b'A June UpdateA cool, wet spring has many folks still inthefinishline.The the fields planting and pushing to getNPPGA potato chips crops in this year throughout the Redcontinuetobea RiverValley.Meanwhile,NPPGAhashuge hit for runners! been all over working hard on behalf of potato growers! Fortypercentof attendeesatthis JaceyKuersteinerandLeahHalversonyearsFargo joined more than 1,700 exhibitors at theMarathon Expo were NationalRestaurantShowinChicago,local,meaningthe May21-24.NPPGAwasinvitedtoberepresentationof part of the North Dakota Department ofRedRiverValley-AgsboothintheAmericanFoodFairgrownpotatoeshad Pavilion. This was a great opportunity toa strong connection. talkaboutpotatoesgrownintheRedLocalfoodsourcing River Valley to small and large restau- is a major consumer rant operators! After a two-year hiatus,trend,anditwas the show had more than 51,000 regis- clearthatexpo trants. The energy on the floor of theattendees were excit-tradeshowmadeitobviouseveryoneed to learn potatoes wasexcitedtobebacktogether.ThegrowninthenorthLeah Halverson of Ten Acre Marketing (left) and Jacey tradeshow featured new products, tech- haveuniquequali- Kuersteiner of the NPPGA at the NRA show in Chicago.nology,concepts,andthoughtleader- tiesandnutritionalhone our voice and message. Please trust ship in food service. As the restaurantbenefits. Numerous runners, their fami- usthatthroughthiselaborateprocess industry ramps up for a post-pandemiclies,andexpoattendeesstoppedtowe will come up with something great comeback, regional potato growers wereeithercommentoraskaboutpotatoesforeveryone.Weareallonthesame in a great position to spread their mes- and were excited to hear about all theteam, working to encourage everyone to sage. nutritional benefits. It was common foreat more potatoes.runnerstostopandcommentabout While the Spring Thaw Grand Forkshowpotatoesliterallyfueltheirper- MarkyourcalendarsforJuly21- MarathoninearlyMaywascanceledformance.NPPGAs43rdannualgolfopenin due to flooding, NPPGA was still able toGrafton! Registration begins at 9:00 AM attendtheFargoMarathonExpothatNPPGA has been working on a new mar- and the shotgun start is at 10:30 AM. was held May 19-20. The booth featuredketingplanforthepastsixmonths.Form groups of four or five prior to the Potato USAs Potato Goodness market- Whilethefinishingtouchesarefinal- tournamentandregistertogether. ingmaterials,emphasizingthehealthized, we are excited to share the messageSmallergroupsorindividualswillbe benefitsofpotatoes,leadingtomanythat is becoming clearer on how we canteamedupatregistration.Profitsgo conversationswithrunnersandexposhare the message of potatoes grown intowards the NPPGA scholarship fund.attendees on nutrition. NPPGA brandedthe northern lands of the United States. potatochipsandPotatoGoodnessThisprocesshasbeenongoingforaNPPGAs annual field day will be August branded swag were handed out to boothwhileandworkingwiththestrategic25inLarimore,Inkster,andHoople. visitors.Inaddition,NPPGAdonatedmarketing agency, Ten Acre Marketing,More information to come! potato chips for post-race refreshmentsweveheldgrowerinputsessionsand handed out to runners after they crossedworkedextensivelywiththeboardto 4 POTATO GROWER JULY/AUGUST 2022'