b'We also continue to work to improveunderstanding the relationship betweenand storage season. We wish you a suc-laboratorydetectionofthepathogenon-farmpractices,fromfumigationtocessful season and thank you for your that causes BRR, again aiding in accu- the incorporation of manure and cropcontinued support. Please reach out to rate and cost-efficient seed certification.rotation, on soil health and disease pres- us (
[email protected]; Gary.Secor New this year to our bacterial ring rotsure. This is the final year of the
[email protected])atanytimewithques-efforts is evaluating some novel detec- study and we are now digging into ana- tions, comments or concerns. tiontechniques,includingcaninelyzing the vast pool of data. detectionofBRRpathogenodorsinNutrientManagementResearch cooperation with Nose Knows Scouting.FungicideresistancecontinuestobeOn Irrigated Potatoes evaluated across several foliar and soil- Dr. Carl Rosen, UMN Trials are being conducted in the Parkborne pathogens as we have done for Rapids, Minnesota area with the gener- manyyears.Again,thisallowsustoIn 2022, four studies conducted at the ous cooperation of RDO Farm Divisioninform growers of the best disease man- Sand Plain Research Farm in Becker are to evaluate both chemical and biologi- agement strategies based on data fromsummarized.The focus of this research calproductsforthemanagementofthis region.is to enhance yields and improve nutri-Verticillium wilt. In addition, we are inent management for potatoes grown on the 3rd year of evaluating the effect ofTwo years ago, we started a small projectirrigated sandy soils.The objectives and plantingdateontheprogressionofto evaluate quantification and identifi- brief descriptions of these studies are as VerticilliumwiltfundedbyMNAII.cationofthepathogensimportanttofollows: Resultsfromthefirsttwoyearswerecommon scab and the soil factors that promising, although both seasons weremayplayaroleindiseaseseverity.ReevaluationOfPhosphorusRe-cutshortbymothernature.WhileThanks to funding from North Dakotaquirements For Irrigated PotatoespathologyhasbeenworkingwiththeSpecialty Crop Block Program and thePotatoes are often highly responsive to NDSUpotatobreedingprogramforUSDA-ARSstatepartnershipprogram,phosphorus(P)fertilizerapplication. manyyearstoevaluateandimproveweareexpandingthatworkandwillPhosphorus fertilizer recommendations geneticresistancetoVerticilliumwilt,evaluate2-4Dforcommonscabman- for this crop are currently based on soil we were fortunate to be awarded fundsagement.Wearethankfulforthetest P and yield goal, but previous stud-formtheNDSpecialtyCropBlockexpertise provided by cooperation withies have shown that economic respons-Program to bolster our efforts in cooper- Drs.AndyRobisonandChrisClarkees can sometimes occur even on high P ation with Susie Thompson and Laura(USDA-ARS). This is just the beginningtestingsoils.Becauseofthisresponse, Shannon. We feel this project will sub- of what will likely be a long-term proj- some P fertilizer is usually recommend-stantially improve our understanding ofect towards management of this disease.ed for this crop even when the P soil test the genetics of Verticillium wilt resist- is high. Reasons why potato responds ance, paving the way for future cultivarWe thank all of our generous coopera- to P on high P testing soils are not clear, improvements in this area.torsincludingRDOFarmDivision,but might be due to use of fumigation, NPPGA,MinnesotaAreaIIPotatowhich would eliminate or reduce myc-AspartofthemultistateSoilHealthGrowers, Cavendish Farms, Forest Riverorrhizal associations.Alternatively, the SCRI Project lead by Dr. Carl Rosen atColony, JR Simplot Company, AgWorld,response might be variety related where the UMN, we are conducting a replicat- and the Minnesota and North Dakotasome varieties are more responsive than edsmall-plottrialnearParkRapids,certified seed growers.others due to a shallower and less exten-Minnesota and performing evaluationsWe encourage growers to reach out withsive root system.The overall objective ingrowerfieldsnearLisbon,Northany disease-related questions, includingofthisresearchistoimprovepre-Dakota. These evaluations are aimed atdiseasediagnosis,duringthisgrowingdictability of potato response to P fertil-14 POTATO GROWER JULY/AUGUST 2022'