b'impact of climate change on potato pro- some of our earlier research, and Josiesis to adopt new N efficient cultivars, and duction and quality.continuing work on managing aphids inanother strategy is to develop more effi-the field, were hoping to develop somecientin-seasonNmanagementstrate-UniversityOfMinnesotainsightonthewithin-fieldspatialgiesaccordingtopotatoNdemand NorthwestResearch&Outreachdynamics of PVY.under different soil and weather condi-Center, Crookston, Minnesotations. Hamlin Russet is a new N efficient Dr. Ian McRae, UMN And when were not doing any of that,cultivarthathasnotbeenextensively we have several trials evaluating someevaluatedinMinnesota.In2021,we The NWROC Entomology team will benewandexcitinginsecticidesforCPBconducted a preliminary study with this busythisseason.ResearcherAylaand aphids.Those trials will be runningcultivarandfoundthatforoptimum MorehouseandResearchAssistants,at the Northwest Research & Outreachyields, Hamlin required about one-half KaylaLeibel,RebeccaMeyer,andCenterinCrookstonandattheSandoftheNrequiredforRussetBurbank. SydneyWintertonwillbechasingPlains Research Farm in Becker.SeveralThe objectives of this study are to 1) fur-ColoradoPotatoBeetlesacrossNorthcompaniesaredevelopingnewtech- therevaluatetheresponseofHamlin Dakota and Minnesota.And if that was- nologies, new chemistries or new looksRussettoNrateandmanagementin nt enough beetle wrangling, they alsoatoldideastoimproveourmanage- comparison with the commonly plant-keep our colony of insecticide suscepti- mentofoneofthemostfrustratinged Russet Burbank, 2) determine the N ble CPB going so we have a comparisoninsect pests in agriculture.If they workuptake characteristics of Hamlin Russet for resistance tests.Theyre also trap- out, they have to make that fight a littlethroughthegrowingseason,and3) pingPVYvectoringaphidsacrosstheeasier.developandevaluateproximaland region because the Aphid Alert Networkremote sensing-based precision N man-willbemonitoringPVYvectoringIt should be a fun summer and I lookagementstrategiesforHamlinRusset aphids again this summer, check us outforward to Field Days when we can talkand Russet Burbank. A small-plot exper-ataphidalert.blogspot.comorseetheabout some of the results. BTW - if any- imentisconductedattheSandPlain weeklyhighlightsonTwitterone has a potential insecticide failure, orResearchFarminBecker,Minnesota (@MNSpudBug).A big thanks to all thewants a check for resistant beetles, let usinvolving two cultivars (Hamlin Russet grower cooperators who host the traps,know.Any problems or questions, dropandRussetBurbank)andfiveNrates withoutyoufolks,
[email protected](40, 80, 160, 240, 320 lbs N /A) using wouldnt be possible!call/text me at 218-280-9887.DAP at planting and ESN at hilling, one split application using a fixed N rate (as Meanwhile,PhDStudentJosieDillonDevelopingEfficientNitrogenDAP at planting and ESN at hilling) and and her Research Assistant Soren Alfaro,Management Strategies For Potatotiming (as UAN post-hilling), and three with some guidance from the folks atIn MinnesotaprecisionNmanagementstrategies-NorthDakotaSeedCertification(bigDr. Yuxin Miao, UMNbased on a fixed rate as DAP at planting thanks to Kent Sather) will be research- andESNathillingandvariablepost-ing the within field-distribution of PVYIn 2022, one study on nitrogen manage- hilling as UAN based on crop sensing as well as assessing some potential alter- mentconductedattheSandPlaintechnologies. native vectors and controls of the dis- Research Farm in Becker is summarized. ease.Theyll be using our mobile RTKThe focus of this study is to develop effi- Dr. Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, NDSU GPSsystemtoaccuratelymapwherecientnitrogenmanagementstrategies PVYinoculumoccursinfieldsattheforpotatoonirrigatedsandysoil.Preemergence herbicide trials and nutri-beginningoftheseasonandhowitNitrogen (N) management is challeng- enttrialsatOakesandInkster,North spreadslater.Combiningthiswithing for potato cultivation. One strategyDakota. 22 POTATO GROWER JULY/AUGUST 2022'