b'2022 Potato Field Research In Nby Dr.Andy Robinson, NDSU/UMN Potato Extension AgronomistThestartto2022growingseasonhas been a drastic difference from the 2021 planting.Whowouldhavepredicted the high amounts of moisture and cool weather causing some daunting delays in planting after such a dry and hot year in 2021? I admire the resiliency of farm-ers and industry to tackle the unexpect-ed spring and get another crop planted. Researchplotplantinghasdealtwith thesamechallengesasthegrowers. Although we have some later than nor-malplantingdates,theinformation gained from these trials will help pro-vide information to help explain what happensinthe2022growingseason and give help when we have the next late planting season. The NPPGA Field Days will be on August 25th. We will follow the same route as in the past, starting at Hoverson Farms at 7:00am, at the Inkster research site atThank you to all those who help makesomething you feel needs to be studied, 12:00pm, and finishing at Oberg Farmsthe research tests possible. Projects areplease let us know.in Hoople, North Dakota at 5:30pm. funded by many sources, including the NorthernPlainsPotatoGrowersNDSU/UMNPotatoExtension SeveralpotatoresearchprojectsareAssociation, Minnesota Area II ResearchAgronomistbeingconductedbytheexcellentand Promotion Council, through stateDr. Andy Robinson, NDSU researchersinNorthDakotaandandfederalgrantsandothersinthe Minnesota.Theseresearchersarepotato industry. We particularly want toThe Extension agronomy team has been focusedoncurrentandfutureissuesthank the grower cooperators who hostbusy conducting many agronomy trials. affectingpotatogrowersinthetworesearchtrialsontheirfarmandseedOur team includes technical assistance states.However,thefindingsofthesegrowerswhodonateseedfortrials.fromEricBrandvikandPeterIhryas researchprojectsareoftenfargreaterThanks to all our industry partners whowell as PhD students Phabian Makokha that our region because the results arearesupportingresearchprojectsandand Jed Grow, and post-doctoral scien-often used throughout the United StatesExtension activities. tist Anderson Melo. Our trials are in six and globally. locations this year, Becker and Perham, If there are any questions or if there isMinnesota;Tappen,Larimore,Hoople 10 POTATO GROWER JULY/AUGUST 2022'