b'Leah Halverson Launches Ten Acre Marketingof Black Gold Farms.Leahs backround is anicefitforhernewventure, after collegesheworkedwithAdFarminFargo,NorthDakota.Ad-Farmisanadvertis-ingagencywhoworkedheavilyin Leahsays,Tellingthestoriesoftheagindustry.Afteraboutsix those who put food on plates is soyears at AdFarm, Leah came back to important. Each person and organi-Black Gold to manage the market- zation who does this, does it in aing for the company. Leah not only unique and special wayand thatmanaged the marketing of the com- needstobetold.IhaveseentheLeah Halverson of Black Gold Farms panybutsheisalsoheavily benefits with my own family, and Iin Grand Forks, North Dakota has involved on the sales side.couldntbemoreexcitedtohelpstartedanewventure.Itiscalled others extend their message beyondTen Acre marketing and she is tar- It was during this time she saw the what they think is necessary or pos-geting agriculture and food compa- opportunity for other farm related sible.nies,althoughthatcouldextend organizations that could really useouttomanyotherorganizations. some help to tell their stories. Leah Leah came up with the name TenLeahsays,Iamnotopposedto thinks that sometimes a companies Acre marketing from a little historyworking with other industries, but story gets lost or is not told and a onBlackGoldFarm.BlackGoldAg is where my heart is.companies story is very important Farmswasstartedin1928byhertothemarketingofthebusiness, great-grandfather, Hallie HalversonTheservicesshewillbeoffering she believes many companies dont with ten acres of farmland in Forestrangefromsocialmediamanage- need a full time marketing position River, North Dakota. ment,strategicplanning,event ordepartment,buttheydoneedcoordinator, and media planning. someonewhocanfocusontheir Now,BlackGoldFarmshas11brand and their story. Based on her farmsacrosstheUnitedStates.Leah will still be headquartered out experienceandhervastnetwork LeahsfatherGreggretiredafewof her office at Black Gold Farms in within the agricultural community years ago and now her brother EricGrand Forks, North Dakota and will she feels that she can add value to is CEO of the company.stillbeheavilyinvolvedwiththe these companies.marketing and day to day business4 POTATO GROWER APRIL 2019'