b'off to Washington, DC, where theywould particpate in different train-ingandskillsworkshopsforthenextweek.Theseworkshopsinclude training in media presenta-tions, public speaking, and govern-mental operations.On Monday the group was able tomeet with state managers, the NPCExecutiveCommitteeandthePotatoes USA Executive Committee.Thateveningtheyallattendeda (From left to right) Donavon Johnson, NPPGA President, John Tweten, BlackreceptioncoupledwiththePotato Gold Farms, Zach Bruer, A&L Potato, Minnesota Congressman Collin Peterson,D.C. Fly In delegation. Lance Hapka, Hapka Seed Farms, Jackson Hall, H & S FreshPak, and T.J. Hall,NPPGA Chairman.The rest of the week was filled with OnThursdayafternoon,February their businesses and their commu-ongoing training and visiting with 28th,after10daysofextensive nities.Congressionalmemberswiththe trainingandleadershipdevelop-D.CFlyIndelegationfromthe menteveryoneboardedplanesto JohnTwetenofBlackGoldFarmsNorthernPlainsPotatoGrowers head back home and try to imple- said,Thetoursweregreat.EachAsssociation. mentwhattheyhadlearnedinto tour gave a unique perspective as toAPRIL 2019 POTATO GROWER 25'