b'April 201984, 270 CONTENTS5 Potato Associate Spotlight 17 Bryan Miller Takes TheReins At AssociatedPublisher 6 Potatoes USA Message Potato Growers Northern Plains Potato Growers Assn.General Manager 8 NPC Message 18 Andys Advice: Blightline Todd Phelps For 2019: Potato Blight App10 2018 Fresh Market PotatoTrial, Crystal, North Dakota 23 PILI And WashingtonDC Fly InOFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NORTHERN PLAINS POTATO GROWERS ASSOCIATION 2019April NPPGA Staff On the coverPresidentDonavon Johnson This is a picture from the Washington, DC Fly-In.Finance and Operations Director (Pictured left to right) Donavon Johnson, NPPGADiane Peycke President, Jackson Hall, H & S FreshPak, LanceHapka, Hapka Seed Farm, John Tweten, BlackMarketing and Communications Gold Farms, T.J. Hall, NPPGA Chairman, andDirector Zach Bruer, A&L Potato.Ted Kreis 152 ND D No.Postage PAI Fargo,U.S.Non-ProfitPermit2 56721 MNHighwayForks,301 GrandBoxBusines NorthernP.O.420East (Article from PILI and DC Fly-In on page 23)Org.ociation Growers As PotatoPlainsNPPGA Executive Committee Please Come EnjoyChair Potato Golf Open 2019T.J. HallVice Chair and Potato Associate Day!Matt VanRaySecretary/TreasurerDavid Fedje Thursday, July 18thND Council RepresentativeDavid Fedje Fair Oaks Golf CourseMN Council Representative Grafton, N.D.Peter ImlePotato Associate RepresentativeGary Shields Questions? Contact thePast Chair Northern Plains PotatoEric Halverson Growers Association.Valley Potato Grower is published 8 times annuallyat: P.O. Box 218-773-3633301, East Grand Forks, MN 56721. Telephone: (218) 773-SPUD.Fax:(218)773-6227.E-mail:
[email protected] All involved in the potatoSubscription:nochargeinU.S.;Canada:$45/1-year;Advertising: call (218) 773-SPUD. Editor welcomes manuscripts industry are welcome!and pictures but accepts no responsibility for lost materials.Reproduction in whole or in part of materials in this issuewithout permission is prohibited.Copyright2019 NorthernPlains Potato Growers Association. All rights reserved.APRIL 2019 POTATO GROWER 3'