b'Bryan Miller Takes The ReinsAt Associated Potato Growerswho still reside in Key West. Bryan addvaluewithquality,efficiency,wanted to return to North Dakota so and marketing to every potato thatheappliedfortheCEOposition runs thru here.where he is at today.Bryan is very excited and looks for-Associated Potato Growers has been wardtothefutureinthepotatoaroundsince1948withofficesin industry. He says, Potato consump-Grand Forks, where they are head- tion suffered greatly with the popu-quartered. They have washplants in larityoftheAtkinsdiet.Potatoes,Grafton, Drayton and Grand Forks, likeeggs,becamelessdesirableNorthDakota.AssociatedPotato because of a fad diet. Today peopleGrowers employs around 80 people are looking for food that is healthyandshipsover100,000hundred- andconvenient.PotatoesfitthisBryanMilleristhenewCEOof weight red and yellow potatoes thru lifestyle perfectly. They are becom-Associated Potato Growers, Inc. He their plants monthly. They have 15 ing a staple again with young peo-is replacing Paul Dolan who retired differentfamilyfarmswhothey ple and athletes who see the healthat the end of 2018.workwithandshareownership benefits,easeofcookingandlowwith.Thesearegreatpeoplewho cost as important to them. Bryan grew up farming and ranch- reallyknowandlivethepotatoingsouthofCarrington,North business, says Bryan, My goal is toDakota.Theyraisedcorn,wheat,durum, crambe, sunflowers, barley,oats,andtheyalsohadcattle.HeattendedNorthDakotaStateUniversity so, of course, he had toraise Bison on the farm.FromthefarmBryanmovedtoJamestownwherehewasCOOatAgri-Cover,Inc.forover14years.Bryanswifeof33yearswasdiag-nosedwithALSsotheymovedtoKey West, Florida to battle the dis-ease. He started a home inspectionbusinessandacharterbusinesswhile living in Key West. They havea son, Jerome and a daughter, HollyAPRIL 2019 POTATO GROWER 17'