b'Andys Advice: Blightline for 2019: Potato Blight AppBy Andy Robinson, Extension Potato Agronomist, NDSU/UMNTheNDAWNPotatoBlightappisavailableonAppleand/orAndroidphones and tablets and can be down-loadedbygoingtothiswebpagez.umn.edu/potatoapp.Setupeachfieldtoincludetheemergence,rowclosure and nearest NDAWN station toreceive specific blight severity modelsfor your fields. Fields from the previ-ous year can be deleted by going to thefield detail and at the bottom of thispage tap delete field. The app is designed to provide field-specific information of when environ-Last year, the NDAWN Potato Blight mentalconditionsarefavorablefor Late blight on potato leaf.appwaslaunchedtohelppotato early blight and late blight by entering Minnesotaaswewillnolongerbegrowers have more accurate late blight in key field information. Once all the emailing the Blightline. If you wouldand early blight notifications for indi- requiredinformationisenteredinto like to receive these messages, pleasevidual fields. After some updates, we each field, the model will start accu- have Blightline updates turned on inare excited to let you know that the mulating favorable days. The thresh- settings.Weexpecttosendnotifica-NDAWN Potato Blight will be the key old for early blight is 200 P-Days and tions about general fungicide recom-resource for late blight and early blight for late blight it is a severity value of mendations,confirmationoflatepredictive models for the 2019 grow- 15.Whenafieldisreachingthe blightandotherimportantpotatoing season.thresholdforearlyblightorlate information for growers. blight,anotificationwillbesenttoInadditiontoNorthDakota,we your phone or tablet that the particu- If you have a question and would likeexpectthisapptobeavailablefor lar field has reached a threshold value.tocontactus,clickontheContactMinnesota growers in 2019.If you do Us link. A video tutorial on how tonot want to use the app, you can go to The app allows you to check the fields use the app can be found at z.umn.theNDAWNwebpagewww.ndawn. each day for the current severity val- edu/appvideo. org and enter in the same information ues and 10 days back by going to theas the app to get estimated values for data page.Ifyouneedhelpgettingitsetup,early and late blight. The advantage of please dont hesitate to contact me atthe app is it will save your field infor- All Blightline messages and alerts will
[email protected] or 701-231-8732. mation making it easy to come back besentthroughthisapptopotatoand see the accumulated values.growersinNorthDakotaand18 POTATO GROWER APRIL 2019'