b'what goes on in Oregon, informa-tion about the different potato vari-eties from local chefs, and how ket-tle chips are produced. When asked about the PILI trainingand his experiences at the Capitolin Washington, DC, hesaid, It wasverymotivatingtobeonCapitolHill lobbying for some of the issuesthataffecttodayspotatoindustrysuch as, transportation issues, guestworkerprograms,andincreasedThe NPPGA delegation talks with North Dakota Senator, Kevin Cramer. (Frompotatoresearchfunding,which left to right). North Dakota Senator Kevin Cramer, Donavon Johnson, NPPGAwould really help the potato indus- President, Zach Bruer, A&L Potato, John Tweten, Black Gold Farms, Jacksontry.Iwouldhighlyrecommend Hall, H & S FreshPak).applying for this leadership training within the industry that I dont deal indirect effects, the confidence thatexperience if you have a passion for withonaday-to-daybasis.Imet theprogrambuildsinapersonispotatoes and want more exposure at people who grow for seed, process, great.the national level. andchips,andotherswhoworkmore on the research side. ZachBruerofA&LPotatosays,IJackson Hall of H & S FreshPak said think I really made my communica-ThePotatoIndustryLeadership Whenaskedhowhethoughthe tions skills a lot stronger as well asInstitute was a great experience. It couldimplementwhathelearned public speaking and how to talk totaughtmeaboutthedifferent into his business, he said, Im defi- ourgovernmentofficials.Ialsoorganizationswithintheindustry nitely able to implement this train- learned how to communicate withand how they all interact (i.e. state ing into our business. The personal- the different personalities within aorganizations,theNationalPotato ity styles training will be very useful work place. How each type of per-Council, and Potatoes USA). inhowIcommunicatewithmy sonworksandwhatinformationemployeesandfellowpartners.I they need to get their tasks done. IThepresentationskillsworkshop alsoammuchmorepreparedto learnedthatnetworkingwithintaught me a lot about how to pres- presentinfrontofothers,which your industry and making your con-ent issues important to the industry. can come in useful at tradeshows or cerns known is key to making yourWelearnedhowtoquicklyand meeting with lawmakers and regula- operation more successful and find-effectively put together strong pre- torstodiscussissuesaffectingthe ing a solution to the problems yousentationsandprepareformedia industry. I think the best part of the are facing. interviews.Further,welearned trip was meeting so many great peo-aboutdifferentpersonalitystyles, ple from within the potato industry. ThePotatoIndustryLeadershipand how best to interact with each Itwasinterestinggettingtocom- Institute is made possible each yearstyle. pare the similarities and differences through a major sponsorship frominouroperations.Itopenedmy Syngenta.Inaddition,throughinteraction eyestoissueswithintheindustrywithmyfellowclassmates,I thatmaynotdirectlyaffectourlearnedaboutmanyotherareas operationbutcouldpossiblyhave26 POTATO GROWER APRIL 2019'