A P R I L 2 0 1 7 26 POTATO GROWER tect plants against pathogens and pests, help plants defend themselves, help plants tolerate environmental stresses and make plants grow better. Fumigation can eliminate all this poten- tial. The research has found that soil amendments of microbials and nutri- ents can reduce scab, following fumiga- tion they have tested rice, microbes, nutrients, and a combination of microbes and nutrients reduced scab. 100 million microbes that are being characterized right now. There is the need to figure out which microbes are beneficial and those that are not. Dr. Andy Robinson, NDSU/UMN, fin- ished the day by speaking about dicam- ba and the effects it can have on pota- toes. The new Roundup Ready to Xtend soybean will allow dicamba treatments on soybean until the R1 growth stage. If potatoes are exposed to dicamba it can cause epinasty of the leaves and malfor- mations of the tubers. Research being conducted shows dicamba can reduce yield and cause emergence problems if seed potatoes are exposed to dicamba. One good method potato growers can do to protect their crop is to register their potato fields on the Fieldwatch.com. Applicators of the new dicamba formulations are required to check the sensitive crop maps before spraying. If potatoes are downwind of an intended field to spray, it is not allowed to spray that field. The 26th annual meeting was well organized with about 60 people in atten- dance. Lunch was provided by the Minnesota Area II Potato Associates. Dr. Linda Kinkel, UMN, addresses the audience on soil microbes. For more information visit strikefumigants.com If you have scab problems, we have the solution. Healthy Fields. Healthy Yields. Fumigation with promotes early root development, targets common scab, and suppresses verticillium wilt. By improving Quality and Yield, increases your profit. www.TriEstAg.com TM