A P R I L 2 0 1 7 POTATO GROWER 9 in late March. I joined Mike Stuart, President of the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association and Tom Nassif, President and CEO of Western Growers, in meet- ings with Senate and House Agriculture Committee Chairmen Pat Roberts and Mike Conaway along with Ranking Members Debbie Stabenow and Collin Peterson, to lay out the Alliance's process for establishing industry priorities for the new bill. The Ag committee leaders indicated they look forward to working with us and recognize the importance of the specialty crops to the nation’s economic growth. Pushing a new Farm Bill across the finish line is a long process involv- ing many differing voices. “Specialty crops” may comprise over 300 different commodities, but the strength of the Alliance rests on a common goal: to enable all farmers to continue to put safe, healthful fruits and vegetables on Americans’ tables. The Alliance’s participation in the last two farm bills led to meaningful investment for the fruit and vegetable indus- try. NPC believes we can build on that momentum and deliver greater benefits to the potato industry. SIMPLE. SMART. STRONG. 3001 N Washington St Grand Forks, ND 58203 (701) 772-5591 www.tristeelmfg.com
[email protected] Tri-Steel Manufacturing 1305 S 12th W Suite B Rexburg, ID 83440 1-800-346-3623
[email protected] Logan Farm Equipment TRAC-PRO SCOOPER LOAD-PRO TRUCK BED TRAC-PRO TELESCOPIC CONVEYOR Due to the Alliance’s efforts, today more than $1 billion in farm bill funds are dedicated to the specialty crop sector.