A P R I L 2 0 1 7 18 POTATO GROWER As we drove back from an important potato growing area one night towards the end of my recent jour- ney to Angola (Sub-Saharan Africa), I had time to reflect on Angola and its potential for agricultural produc- tion, specifically in potatoes. It was dark, so dark that the only light vis- ible was our car and the occasional car or motorcycle passing by. The narrow road we were on was lined with tall grasses right to the edge of the crumbling pavement. As we passed through the mountains, the fog became dense, then it began to rain heavily. As we entered and exit- ed the rain storms, the water evapo- rated from the hot road. These con- ditions made it extremely difficult to see the dangerous potholes that commonly break tire rims and axels and cause havoc on vehicles. Not only did the driver have to avoid or drive slowly through pot holes, he also had to be aware of people walk- ing along the side of the road, and the random dog, cat, goat or frog trying to cross. Welcome to Angola! Angola is somewhat like this drive. It’s a bit crazy, at times you can go Andy’s Advice: Potato Farming Potential In Angola By Andy Robinson, Extension Potato Agronomist, NDSU/UMN Potatoes sold at the grocery store in Angola. The two potato types on the left are from local subsistence farmers and the potatoes on the right are imported from South Africa.