M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 7 6 POTATO GROWER Sarah Reece, Global Marketing Manager, Potatoes USA To understand changes in potato attitudes and usage among con- sumers, Potatoes USA conducts an annual Consumer Attitudes and Usage (A&U) study. The A&U tracks self-reported usage of potatoes, cur- rent beliefs on health-related topics and overall attitudes toward pota- toes. The 2017 study revealed that while many consumer attitudes towards potatoes and usage patterns didn’t change much from 2016, there are several areas that are beginning to shift. Some of the key findings include changes in diet trends, the importance of food attributes, eating occasions, prepa- ration methods and motivators. What’s driving food purchases • Flavor, fresh and healthy contin- ued to rank as 1, 2 and 3 as attrib- utes consumers think are important when choosing foods, but their importance declined somewhat. • As consumers seek convenience, being prepared or served quickly & easily ranked #7, however, this attribute experienced the largest growth in importance from 2016. Potatoes are America’s favorite vegetable • Potatoes are the top vegetable served at dinner (71%), ahead of green beans (57%), corn (57%) and broccoli (55%). • When asked about their house- hold’s favorite vegetable, 24% of consumers said it’s potatoes. Consumers are seeking inspira- tion • 50% of consumers reported using a recipe for fresh potato dishes at least once a month. • 37% of consumers reported that having new ways to prepare pota- toes would motivate them to make potatoes more often. • Most potatoes are purchased as a part of a planned purchase as a stock up trip, however 19% of consumers said they are making a decision while in the produce department. Dinners at home mean potatoes are on the table • Dinner continues to be the #1 Potatoes USA Mes sage Research Identifies Consumer Attitudes & Usage