M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 7 POTATO GROWER 9 based on science. In Canada, long-standing antidumping actions in British Columbia have chilled the opportu- nities to expand that market. Canada’s current system for chal- lenging antidumping duties is flawed and weighted completely against those seeking to export potatoes to Canada. NPC believes anti-dumping determinations must be based on solid economic analysis conducted by neutral third parties and not by those benefitting from their imposition. NPC expressed in the letter that the potato industry stands ready to work with the Administration and Congress in pursuing these improvements for NAFTA, along with any future bilateral or multi- lateral agreements that may benefit our producers. The full text of the letter can be viewed on www.nationalpotatocouncil.org. (SBOE'PSLT /% XXXUSJTUFFMNGHDPN $PNQMFUF3FDFJWJOH 8BTIJOH (SBEJOH 4J[JOH1BDLBHJOH&RVJQNFOUTJODF Canada and Mexico respectively are currently the second and third largest markets for U.S. potato products.