M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 7 12 POTATO GROWER these selections are provided at the end of the article. ND7799c-1 is an exceptional clone that warrants release consideration in the very near future. ND7519-1 has excep- tional chip qualities as Dr. Joseph Sowokinos, Darrin Haagenson and Marty Glynn have reported in their evaluations published in the Valley Potato Grower magazine. ND7519- 1 was submitted for pre-release on April 17, and should be considered for release in early 2018. The potato breeding program, as part of the potato improvement team, collaborates closely with proj- ects in Plant Sciences, Plant Pathology, and Entomology at NDSU, and research programs at the University of Minnesota. This team effort permits evaluation and screening for resistance to diseases, insect pests, and environmental stresses, in addition to development of cultivar specific management information. We also cooperate closely with the USDA-ARS pro- grams at East Grand Forks, Minn- esota and Fargo, North Dakota, in addition to potato research pro- grams in Idaho, Texas, Colorado, Maine, Oregon, and particularly with members of the North Central regional group including Michigan State University and the University of Wisconsin. A special thank you to Lloyd, Steve and Jamie Oberg for hosting our tri- als each year. My sincere gratitude to Mr. Richard (Dick) Nilles, gradu- ate students James Bjerke and Steffen Falde, and our hourly per- sonnel, for assistance with cutting, planting, stand and stem counts, harvesting, grading, chipping, and evaluation of internal defects. We are grateful for the opportunity to conduct cooperative and interdis- ciplinary research with members of the NDSU potato improvement team, the USDA-ARS programs in East Grand Forks and Fargo, the North Central regional group, and other research programs across the globe. Finally, sincere thanks to our many grower, industry, and research cooperators in North Dakota, Minnesota, and beyond, and partic- ularly to the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association and the Minnesota Area II Potato Research and Promotion Council for funding in support of this work. Sugar Analysis and Process Quality Evaluations Techmark Inc. www.techmark-inc.com 517-322-0250
[email protected] Laboratory locations throughout North America. Contact us for more information.