b'People, Product Newstoprovidethenecessaryreliefwe supply chain have been helping esti- importantpointtheseproduceneed. mate losses and define where immedi- organizationsworkedtogetherwithate assistance is most needed. Theyve our Congressional leaders from acrossThoughourmembersaresuffering also been critical in helping us under- the country to educate, advocate andthrough an unprecedented crisis, this standtheintricaciesofoursupply convince them of the urgent need tois a strong industry. We exercise that chain;howtheentirechaincanbe support our industry.strengthwhenweworktogether affectedbytheshutdownofthetoward common goals. I cannot thank restaurantandhospitalityindustry Some 108 members of Congress sentenough your state organization lead- almost overnight; and the weaknesses theirownbipartisanlettertoUSDAers, Potatoes USA, the team at NPC, becoming apparent every day in our Secretary Sonny Perdue urging USDAsandorganizationsthroughoutthe ability to keep the food supply chain supportforourcause.Nowthatsasupply chain from growers to suppli- moving. powerful statement! I especially wanters and processors for their team-ori- to thank Congressmen Jimmy Panettaented approach in seeking meaningful Oursisnotasupplychainthatcan (D-CA), Fred Upton (R-MI), Jim Costareliefforthisgreatindustry.Your pausewhen we harvest today, that (D-CA) and Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) foroperationsareinourthoughtscon- product starts a journey that ends up spearheadingtheCongressionalsup-stantly during this crisis and the chal- being consumed usually in just a cou- port for this letter, and all of my col-lenges you are facing motivate us to ple weeks. But disruptions to demand leaguesinproduceassociationsdeliver results that matter for you. attheendofthatjourneycreate aroundthecountrywhoworkedtofinancial impact everywhere along the gettheirlocalCongressmenandPlease visit NPCs Coronavirus Update chain from field to table. Whether its Congresswomen to sign on.page for new resources and informa- lost inventory along the supply chaintion as they become available. or crops left in the field, the impact is Thefirststepinthisprocesswasshared.Andthatstosaynothing encouragingCongresstopasstheUnited Fresh Presents Produce about future lost sales. CARES Act devoting $2 trillion to theMarket Stabilization Program To economy,andsome$9.5billionThe USDA So the proposal to USDA with 85 dif- specificallycarvedoutforfruitsandferentproduceorganizationssigned vegetables,livestock,dairyandlocalLast Tuesday, United Fresh and a num- onisnothinglessthanamazing. food systems. Now comes this urgentber of industry partners presented to Rather than each group fighting for its proposalwitharoadmapofhowthe U.S. Department of Agriculture a own, weve forged a consensus that I USDA can support our industry imme-comprehensiveProduceMarket can assure you is our best chance for diately.Nextwillcomedeepdiscus-Stabilization Program to immediately realrelief.Wehavetofightforthis sions and analysis within USDA aboutsupport critical financial needs in the together as an industry, as every other channelingresourcestomultipleproducesupplychain.Thiswasa food and agriculture sector is facing its interests.Andeventually,webelievemajor undertaking to understand the own challenges and they have a seat there will have to be continuing addi-wide-ranging financial impact this cri- at the table too. There is still a long tional financial relief from Congress ifsis is having on our entire industry. and steep road ahead. oureconomyisgoingtobeabletopull out of this crisis and grow again.Industrymembersfromacrossthe AndthatleadsmetothesecondMAY/JUNE 2020 POTATO GROWER 29'