b'somecases,itseateningreater comes as little surprise, then, that https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/aquantitiesthaninthecountries experts are predicting 2020 as the bs/10.1002/gea.3340080506. we tend to think of as potato-cen- year that consumers finally rise uptric. The most recent census data andrebelagainstasceticeating 2See, for example, Hess et al. Theshows that in the U.S., Japan, and regimens.AJanuary2020article Impact of Changing Food Choices onMexico, per capita daily consump- in Business Insider reported on a theBlueWaterScarcityFootprinttionclocksinat85kilocalories recent poll that revealed a majori- and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the(kcal), 39 kcal, and 28 kcal per day, tyofAmericanswereleaning British Diet: The Example of Potato,respectively.Iftheseseemlike towards intuitive eating, which, Pasta and Rice. Journal of Cleanerdecentlysizedvolumes,consider incontrasttothehardandfast Production, January 2016.thatfourcoreMediterranean laws of a diet, offers only generalstatesMorocco,Greece,Spain, guidelineslikehonoryour 3Dinuetal.MediterraneanDietand Portugaloutstrip these num- hunger and feel your fullness. andMultipleHealthOutcomes:anbers by a long shot: their per capi- Andagrowingbodyofresearch UmbrellaReviewofObservationalta consumption rates are, in turn, suggests that intuitive eating ele- StudiesandRandomisedTrials.94, 102, 103, and 122 kcal.Thats vatesself-confidence,psychologi- EuropeanJournalofClinicalasclosetoobjectiveasevidence calresilience,andevenexercise Nutrition, May 2017.gets that, in the geographic cradle habitstoagreaterextentthanofhealthyeating,potatoesare standard diets. 4MediterraneanDiet.Oldways.alive and well as ever. Theseareanxioustimes.Were Accessed January 29, 2020.forging ahead into a new decadeForyears,dietshavegoverned witheverythingfromtraderela- 5Boucher.MediterraneanEatingoverthelandscapeofconsump- tionships to entire economies are Pattern.DiabetesSpectrum,Maytionwithanironfist.Infact, castinuncertaintyandunease. 2017.theyve gained such power over us The potato, as the ultimate com-thatattimeswereguilt-ridden fort food, offers us needed respite. 6Altomare et al. The Mediterraneannot only when we commit infrac- Weshouldnthavetocallupon Diet:AHistoryofHealth.Irantionsin the form of unhealthy obscuremetricsliketheSatiety Journal of Public Health, May 2013.indulgencesbutwhenwemake Index to prove the potatos worth 7Campbell.Nutritionalthe most minor and mundane of in the modern era: in the end, the RenaissanceandPublicHealthdietary decisions.capacity of the potato to provide Policy.JournalofNutritionalphysicalandemotionalfulfill- Biology, August 2017.Forthehealthconscious,the ment speaks for itself.8Ibid.worry lingers: What ifwhat if Ichosethelesseroftwooptions? 1Browman,David&Gundersen, 9Paddon-Jonesetal.Protein,Even when the labels look identi- James. Altiplano comestible earths: WeightManagement,andSatiety.cal to our naked eye, theyre not, Prehistoricandhistoricgeophagyof TheAmericanJournalofClinicalaccording to the creators of web- HighlandPeruandBolivia. Nutrition, May 2008.sites like Eat This, Not That! It Geoarchaeology,October1993.26 POTATO GROWER MAY/JUNE 2020'