b'from 1.3 for Waneta to 3.4 for Ivory with a mean yield ofCrisp.Vine size ranged from very 85cwt./acre.small for ND13228CAB-3, to medi- Entrantsvariedsig-um-large for ND1446CB-8, and dif- nificantlyfortotalfered significantly for the genotypes. yield, with a range ofThemeanvinematuritywas2.9 35 cwt./acre for Pike(scale of 1-5 with 1 being early and 5 to144cwt/acreforvery late), earlier than the mean for N D 1 1 3 5 0 9 C - 2 .2018;earlymaturinggenotypes Yield and percentagewith high yield potential are impor- A-sizedtubers(4-10tant in the northern plains due to ounce)differedsig-ourshortgrowingseason.Vine nificantly for clones;maturity differed significantly, rang- means were 25 cwt/a Chip samples from the 2019 Hoople Chip Trial from 8weeks storage at 5.5C (42oF) storage. The center sampleingfrom1.1(veryearly)for and 26%, respective- is ND13228CAB-3, and the one to the right is ND7519-ND113509C-2, ND13228CAB-3 and ly.The range for A 1.ND13274CB-1, to 4.9 (very late) for sizedyieldwas1cwt./acreto52 48%forND7519-1to99%forSnowden. cwt./acreforND13228CAB-3and ND13228CAB-3,withameanofND12107CB-1,respectively,while 54%.Very few oversized or US No.Yieldandgradeissummarizedin percentageAsizerangedfrom1% 2s and culls were noted during grad-Table2.Yieldsweredramatically forND13228CAB-3to47%for ing; tubers were culled or droppedreduced compared to previous years ND7519-1.Percentageundersized ingradeprimarilyduetogrowthattributedtodroughtconditions, tubers(0-4ounces)rangedfrom cracks and misshapes.Tuber shapeMAY/JUNE 2020 POTATO GROWER 11'