b'ranged from round to oblong, and assessmentofallskin color ranged from bright white visual traits at grad-to flaky (slight netting, for example ing.In2019,theAtlantic and Snowden); flesh colors mean general ratingwhen cut for internal disorders were was3.5,withawhiteorcreamy.Verylittlecom- range of 3.0 to 4.0.mon scab was noted in 2019.SeveralselectionsMeanspecificgravity,anindirect continuetolookmeasureoftuberdrymatter,was promising across our1.0765, with a range of 1.0613 for e v a l u a t i o n s ;ND7799c-1to1.0853forWaneta ND7519-1and(Table 3).Generally, specific gravity ND7799c-1are ND7519-1 after 8 weeks storage at 5.5C (42 F) from theoin this area tends to be very high, standouts,both 2019 Hoople Chip Trial.andsimilarlyveryhighunder highyieldingwith Council,JRSimplotCompany,droughtconditions;however,the excellentchipprocessingquality. USDA-NIFA, amongst many others,gravitiesfor2019atthissitewere ND7519-1 is in its final year as an in providing research funding, certi-extremely low. Entries are sampled entrant in the 2020 SNAC Trial, and fied seed, and equipment and inputat grading, and stored at 5.5C and hasreachedthepointforrelease resources.3.3C (42 o F and 38 o F) for eight weeks consideration.ND102642C-3,and another sample is evaluated in ND102922C-3,ND113307C-3, We are thankful for the opportunityJune from 5.5C for long-term stor- ND1221-1,ND12180ABC-8, to conduct cooperative interdiscipli-age potential.Chip scores from the ND13228CAB-3,amongstothers naryresearch,andforourmanyfielddifferedsignificantly,ranging also look promising across our eval- producer,industry,andresearchfrom 1 to 5 based on the USDA chip uationsites.Therealsurprisein cooperatorsinNorthDakota,colorchart;HunterLabinstrument 2019hasbeenND13228CAB-3, Minnesota,theNorthCentralL-valuesrangedfrom51to65. which chipped with a Hunter value Region, and beyond Followingeightweeksstorageat over 60 from (3.3C) 38 o F storage.5.5C (42 o F), chip color chart scoresrangedfrom2forND13228CAB-3 We would like to express our sincereto9forPikeandND12107CB-1. thankstoLloyd,SteveandJamieHunterLabinstrumentscoresalso Obergforhostingdifferedsignificantly,averaging53 our trial and Andyacross genotypes, with a range of 41 Gullicksonforto63.Duetolowyieldandthe assistingwiththesmalltubersizeprofile,samples plotmaintenance.could not be obtained for the 3.3C Additionally,wechipping,long-termstoragechip- aregratefultotheping, assessing internal disorders, or NorthernPlainsevaluatingblackspotandshatter PotatoGrowersbruisepotential.Ageneralrating Association,thescore(Table1),basicallyabreeder MinnesotaAreaIImerit score, using a scale of 1 (poor) PotatoResearchto5(perfect)isgivenbasedon andPromotionND13228CAB-3 from 8 weeks storage at 3.3C (38oF).12 POTATO GROWER MAY/JUNE 2020'