b'soil.As long as manure is applied at which would eliminate or reduce myc- USDA-ARS,EastGrandForks,least 120 days before harvest, it is con- orrhizal associations. Minnesotasideredanacceptableamendmentfor Dr. Darrin Haagensonpotatoproduction.Becausemanure Alternatively,theresponsemightbestimulates microbial activity in the soil variety related where some varieties are Withtheacquisitionofanewpotatoit is considered a beneficial amendment moreresponsivethanothersduetoa grading system in January 2020, USDA-for improving soil health.A series of 15 shallowerandlessextensiverootsys- ARS staff is busy fine-tuning the gradertreatments are being evaluated in this tem. in preparation of analyzing Universitystudy.A subset of these treatments will research trials this Fall.Storage and pro-alsousein-seasonremotesensingto The overall objective of this research is cessing evaluations of the 2019 crop willguideNmanagement.Theoverall toimprovepredictabilityofpotato be completed in July.objectives are to: 1) To improve a predic- response to P fertilizer. To accomplishtion algorithm for aboveground nitro- thisobjective,twofieldstudies,one InApril,theUSDA-ARSlaboratoryingenconcentrationusingmultispectral fumigated and the other not fumigated FargowelcomedanewPlantground-based and UAV-based sensors; 2) are proposed to evaluate the effect of P Physiologist, Dr. Munevver Dogramaci.To validate the agronomic effectiveness rate,mycorrhizalinoculation,andP Dr.Dogramacihasextensiveresearchofthealgorithmatdeterminingthe placement on P response by two potato experience investigating the physiologi-need of in-season nitrogen applications varieties.This research will also evalu- calmechanismsimpactingbudmeris-comparedtoconventionalmethods; ate the use of the Mehlich-3 extractant temdormancy.Shehasstartedtoand3)Tooptimizethealgorithmfor to assess whether a P saturation index establishresearchcollaborationswithreal-time usage during the growing sea- (extractable P/extractable Al) may pre- University colleagues, and we are excit-son.A series of N treatments will be dict P response better than a P soil test ed to welcome her to Team Potato.evaluated, 4 of which range from 40 to alone.320 lb N/A, two at 160 and 220 lb N/A 2020fieldevaluations:AtHoversonwill be based on real time petiole analy- MN13142ResponsetoNitrogen Farmsresearchpivotlocatednearsis and two at 160 and 220 lb N/A will and Effects on Storage Quality Larimore, ND we are examining 70 pro-bebasedonremotesensingmeasure- Nitrogenplaysasignificantrolein cessing clones (35 fry and 35 chip) rep-ments. growth and yield potential of potato. It resentingadvancedUniversityclones.canalsoaffectstorageandprocessing AstrialcooperatorofaPotatoesUSARe-evaluationofPhosphorus quality by altering tuber chemical mat- sponsored SNAC Field trial, we are eval-RequirementsforIrrigated uration.The objective of this study is to uating 11 chip clones at Hoople, NorthPotatoes determinehowNrateaffectsstorage Dakota.In 2020, we will be repeatingPotatoes are often highly responsive to quality of MN13142, a new clone in the several storage trials including: pressurephosphorus(P)fertilizerapplication. UniversityofMinnesotaPotato bruise evaluations, dormancy ratings ofPhosphorus fertilizer recommendations Breedingprogram.MN13142and yellowandredsincollaborationwithfor this crop are currently based on soil Russet Burbank are being tested at three Dr. Andy Robinson, and our continuedtest P and yield goal, but previous stud- N rates120, 240, and 360 lbs N/A. We processingevaluationsofadvancedies have shown that economic respons- are also evaluating spacing and effects breeding clones throughout storage.es can sometimes occur even on high P ofseedwarmingpriortoplanting.testing soils. Because of this response, Tuberswillbeanalyzedforsugars UniversityofMinnesota-some P fertilizer is usually recommend- (sucroseandglucose),solubleprotein Northwest Research and Outreached for this crop even when the P soil test content and other biochemical proper- Center, Entomologistis high. Reasons why potato responds ties at harvest following a 2-week recon- Dr. Ian MacRae, UMNto P on high P testing soils are not clear, ditioningperiodandafter3-and6-but might be due to use of fumigation, months storage at 40 oand 48 o F.The UMN Potato Entomology program24 POTATO GROWER JULY/AUGUST 2020'