b'this season will be conducting research insecticides (rate creep) to contact us so managementtrialsattheNWROConmanagementofColoradoPotato we can either get to the field to sample it wherein we can assess different manage-Beetle and examining different manage- or,ifwecanttravel,togetcollecting ment tactics such as early vine kill andment tactics for limiting the spread of and shipping materials so beetles can be insecticidemanagement;earlyvinekillPVY.Ourprogramwillincludesome sent back to the lab here. has potential to decrease our late seasonregionalmonitoringandrunninga PVY transmission and there are severalnumber of field trials at the Northwest Inaddition,therewillbeinsecticide newinsecticidesregisteredforaphidResearch & Outreach Center (NWROC) managementtrialsconductedatthe managementthatmightprovideaddi-in Crookston, Minnesota.research plots on the NWROC and we tional management tools.This researchwill be examining some of the interac- isbeingfundedbyacombinationofWewillagainbemonitoringlevelsof tions between CPB management and the NPPGA,AreaIIandaSpecialtyCropinsecticide resistance in populations of spread of PVY. Block Grant.ColoradoPotatoBeetlesfrompotatoproductionareasinMinnesotaand The Aphid Alert trapping network will The NWROC will not be holding an in-North Dakota. be running in the 2020 growing season, person Field Day this summer, but watchmonitoring aphid populations that vec- foravirtualtourofourplotsandWhile we will be limited in the number torPVYinseedpotatoes.Wewillbe research this summer.Links to our pota-of areas we can sample ourselves, we are evaluating aphid vector populations in to research will be made available on theencouraging anyone who has either an 20 locations across the region, including AphidAlertwebsite(aphidalert.blog-insecticidefailureorisnotseeingthe 2 new sites in Crystal and Lisbon North pot.com)andonoutTwitterfeedlevel of control they once achieved with Dakota.We will also be conducting PVY (#MNSpudBug).JULY/AUGUST 2020 POTATO GROWER 25'