b'Duringtheearlydaysofthegovern- Councilandthestateorganizations and vegetables, which we hope will freement-mandatedshutdown,imagesof working with our industry and govern- up some additional room in the potatopiles of dumped potatoes went viral on mentalpartnertodirectpotatoesto supply chain. social media. And stories about losing consumers, food backs, and governmentone to two billion pounds of potatoes supportedfeedingprograms,weare Given the size of the crisis and the con-without homes caused some to question doing all we can to ensure that our fam- tinued massive oversupply of potatoes,thepotatoindustryscommitmentto ilyfarmersstayinbusinesswhenthe these purchases are only a partial downresponsibly feeding the nation.traditional supply chains dry up. payment on the industrys overall reliefneeds. More will be needed, and soon.With food bank lines around the coun- In early May, the potato industry wel- But in the short term, USDAs food pur-trystretchingmilesinlength,potato comed USDAs announcement of a $50 chase should provide a shot in the armfarmers, state potato organizations, and million surplus potato purchase to sup- tostrugglingoperations,givefamilyindustrypartnerssteppeduptothe port the industry during the COVID-19 farms the hope that more relief is on theplate. Not only have they helped donate pandemic.Thiswasthesinglelargest way, and allow the industry to continuemillionsofpoundsofpotatoesand potato purchase in USDAs history and to feed the world even in the most chal-potatoproductstofoodinsecure the largest of all the specialty crop pur- lenging of times.Americans,theyhaveproventothe chases under the latest round of Sectionworld that they are committed to ensur- 32 food purchases. It also came on the TolistentothisepisodeTellingtheing the fruits of their labor isnt going to heelsofpreviousfoodpurchasesand PotatoSustainabilitySuccessStory,waste when so many are in need.thelaunchofUSDAsFarmersto search for Eye On Potatoes where everFamiliesFoodBoxProgram,including you listen to podcasts.Today, not only is the National Potato $461milliondirectedforfreshfruitsPARTS218\x00773\x001234MAYOMFG.COM 800\x00223\x005873JULY/AUGUST 2020 POTATO GROWER 9'