b'NDSU Potato Pathology seedtreatmentandin-furrowexperi- to hone their skills in BRR field diagno-Dr. Julie Pasche, NDSU mentalandregisteredfungicidetrials sis. The 3rd trial at this site will be uti-Dr. Gary Secor, NDSU and one biological control trial focus on lized to improve laboratory diagnosis ofthemanagementofRhizoctoniastem BRR.In2020,NDSUpotatopathologywill canker and Fusarium seed piece decay of Trials are being conducted in the Parkconduct more than 40 fields trials across processingandtablepotatoes.Itis Rapids,MinnesotaareawithgenerousNorthDakotaandwest-central important to manage Fusarium dry rot growercooperators.WeareevaluatingMinnesota. These trials are being con- ofseedpotatoes,sinceFusariumnot both chemical and biological productsducted at the NPPGA irrigated research only can cause weak and unproductive forthemanagementofVerticilliumsite at Inkster, ND as well as in cooperat- plants, but is often a predisposing site of wilt. In addition, we are evaluating twoinggrowerfieldsinLisbon,North infection for bacterial soft rot decay.cultural management tactics. This is theDakota,ParkRapids,Minnesota,and 4th year evaluating the effect of vinekillelsewhere. The overall goal of these tri- Weareincreasingpotatogenotypes date on the colonization of potato vinesals is to improve management practices frommultiplebreedingprograms, withtheVerticilliumwiltpathogen.for diseases important to the region. including NDSU and Potatoes USA, for Reduction in colonization will result inpost-harvestsusceptibilitytoFusarium reducingthepathogeninfestationinTrials will be conducted with a goal of sambucinum dry rot, Dickeya dianthicola thesoilandwillsubsequentlyreduceimprovingmanagementofeightdis- and Pectobacterium soft rot. Resistance diseasepressure.Thisisthe1styeareases.Wewillevaluatefungicidesfor to these diseases is difficult to find and evaluating the effect of planting date onthe management of the foliar phase of is a continuing project for our program. the progression of Verticillium wilt. Weblack dot (2 trials), early blight (9 trials) arealsoevaluatingproductsfortheand brown spot (1 trial) at the NPPGA In addition to the evaluation of fungi- management of pink rot and bacterialirrigated site at Inkster, North Dakota. cides to manage the foliar leaf-spotting vinerotincomparisontostandardThesetrialsincludeexperimental complexatInkster,wearegrowing products used by growers.chemistries and registered fungicides. In lines/cultivars to be inoculated post-har-all trials, grower standard treatments are vest for resistance to pink rot and leak As part of the multistate soil health proj-includedtoallowcomparisonsindis- fortheNDSUbreedingprogramand ect lead by the UMN, we are conductingease management between new fungi- others.APVYdemonstrationplotis areplicatedsmall-plottrialnearParkcides and fungicides with which grow- being established for seed inspectors. Rapids, Minnesota and performing eval-ersarefamiliar.Wealsoevaluatethe uationsingrowerfieldsnearLisbon,placement of fungicides in the program We have two additional sites in North NorthDakota.Theseevaluationsaretoenablegrowerstogetthegreatest Dakota where we are screening lines / aimed at understanding the relationshipreductionsindiseasewhileaimingto cultivars for resistance to Tobacco Rattle between on-farm practices, from fumi-minimize inputs. One additional early Virus (TRV) and Potato Mop Top Virus gation to the incorporation of manureblighttrialisbeingconductedin (PMTV). andcroprotation,onsoilhealthandLarimore, North Dakota. We will con- disease pressure. We are in the 2nd yeartinue to evaluate fungicide resistance as We are conducting three bacterial ring of this four-year study.wehaveformanyyears.Again,this rot (BRR) trials at Prosper, North Dakota.allows us to inform growers of the best The 1st trial is aimed at ensuring that NDSU High Value Cropsdisease management strategies based on NDSU breeding material displays symp- Dr. Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, NDSUdata from this region. toms characteristic of BRR, aiding in theaccurate field diagnosis of this devastat- MetribuzinstudyatFargo,NorthSeed treatment trials are also being con- ingdiseaseinanymaterialreleased Dakota. Simulated hail study at Inkster,ductedattheNPPGAInkstersitefor from the program. We are conducting a North Dakota.seed-bornediseasemanagement.Eight demonstration plot for seed inspectors26 POTATO GROWER JULY/AUGUST 2020'