b'e People, Product News- USDA NASS To Collect 2020 Crop respondtothissurvey.In2019,NASS after year. - Production And Stock Data was unable to publish several large pro-s. ducingcountiesduetoaninsufficient Due to the current concerns regardingo As the 2020 growing season comes to an number of responses. COVID-19, the health and safety of ven-t end, the U.S. Department of Agriculture dors, attendees, as well as the health ando nationwide to gather final year-end crop As required by Federal law, all responses safetyourcommunity,theeventwilly production numbers and the amount of are completely confidential, Jantzi con- not take place in 2021.grain and oilseeds stored on their farms. tinued. We safeguard the privacy of allAt the same time, NASS will survey grain respondents, ensuring that no individ- Ourstaffknowshowimportantthisfacility operators to determine year-end ual operation or producer can be identi- event is to the Greater Grand Forks com-n off-farm grain and oilseed stocks. fied.Individualresponsesarealso munity and we look forward to welcom-y exemptfromtheFreedomof ing the International Crop Expo event- These surveys are the largest and most Information Act. backin2022,saidAnnaRosburg,- importantyear-endsurveysconducted General Manager of Alerus Center.c byNASS,explainedNASSsNorth Survey results will be published in sever-d DakotaStateStatisticianDarinJantzi. alreports,includingtheCrop The International Crop Expo event wills "They are the basis for the official USDA ProductionAnnualSummaryandthe bebackin2022atAlerusCenteron- estimatesofproductionandharvested quarterly Grain Stocks report, both to be February 16th and 17th.s acres of all major agricultural commodi- releasedonJanuary12.Theseandallh ties in the United States as well as grain NASSreportsareavailableonlineat Minnesota Certified Seed 2020o and oilseed supplies. Data from the sur- www.nass.usda.gov.Formoreinforma- Season Reporto vey will benefit farmers and processors tion call the NASS North Dakota Field- by providing timely and accurate infor- Office at 800-582-6443. SeedpotatogrowersinMinnesota s mation to help them make crucial year- applied to certify 6,267.41 acres for thes end business decisions and begin plan- 2021 International Crop Expo 2020cropyear,anincreasefromthening for the next growing and market- Cancelled 6,134 acres in 2019. There were 1,123.53ing season. acres rejected for severe mosaic and not.e The International Crop Expo committee meeting eligibility, resulting in 5,143.88Responses to the survey will be used in hascollectivelydecidedtocancelthe certified acres. Russet Burbank was thes calculatingcounty-levelyieldswhich 2021InternationalCropExpoevent variety with the most acres planted. d- have a direct impact on farmers around which had been scheduled for Februaryd the State. USDAs Farm Service Agency 17thandFebruary18th,2021atthe Thespringbroughtgoodweatherand- may use the data in administering pro- Alerus Center. near ideal planting conditions through-ducer programs and in determining dis- out the state. Most growers were able tog asterassistanceprogramcalculations, InternationalCropExpoisanannual get in the field in late April to early May,s- saidJantzi.NASScannotpublisha event that provides a large vendor show with most completing planting by earlycounty yield unless it receives enough andeducationforsoybean,drybean, June. In the Red River Valley, excessivereports from producers in that county to potato, and small grain farmers. The net- rainfall in the middle of June affectedmake a statistically defensible estimate. working and education at the event is some seed acres. This resulted in someSo, it is very important that producers whatbringsfarmersandagriculture drown out. industry vendors and leaders back year20 POTATO GROWER JANUARY 2021'