b'People, Product NewsPotatoes USA Creates "Potato tionalprofileisexceptionaland, University,isdesignedforbusyUniversity" most of all, theyre easy to prepare, foodservice professionals who wantwhich means no added stress on the to learn more about how to incorpo-Bynow,operatorsunderstandthe back of the house. ratealltypesofpotatoesfromimportanceandbenefitsofusing fresh,tofrozen,todehydratedversatileingredientsacrosstheir But even the most beloved recipes into the menu. These classes are anmenu. Using versatile ingredients is can feel a little routine after a while, excellent resource packed with valu-economicallyadvantageousand whichiswhyitsimportantfor ablepotatoinsights,andtheycangreat for keeping menu variety high. operatorstokeepthemenufresh. betakenanytimeatonesownBut even if they already know that, PotatoesUSAscomplimentary pace.Operators,cooksandmoreoperators may still at times feel a lit- onlinecurriculum,Potato canlearnabouthowtopreparetleburntoutwhenitcomestorecipeinspirationorcomingupwith ways to use a certain ingredi-ent to its fullest potential.Potatoes,perfectfortheappetizermenu,sidesandevenaspartofentrees, offer an array of benefitsnutritional,economicandmore.But for operators who arent feelingparticularly inspired, theres help onthe way. Potatoes USA has launchedanewcomplimentary,onlinecur-riculum on Potato University.In many other areas of life, taking aclass to learn more about somethingcan be pivotal. The same can be saidfor learning more about potatoes.Why learn more about potatoes?Potatoesaretheperfectingredienttoexpandthemenu.Whetherloaded up with toppings and servedasloadedfries;bakedanddressedwith butter, sour cream and chivesas a luxurious and comforting sidedish; or mashed and used as a perchforindividuallyportionedmeatloafand thats just a few ideas!potatoes are a crowd pleaser. Theyreeasily adaptable for vegetarian andotherspecializeddiets,theirnutri-APRIL 2021 POTATO GROWER 27'