b'People, Product Newsessary agricultural workforce, in part managementtoolforpotatopro- and 96 percent of critical habitats isbecause it operates in a cumbersome ducers across the nation. Examples based on EPA assumptions of maxi-anduncompetitivemannerwith of the use of glyphosate include dur- mumuserates,extrapolatedfromunpredictable wage fluctuations. ingthepre-plantprocessinthe individualproductlabels,andnotmanagement of winter cover crops, the actual crop and non-crop uses ofThe FWMA attempts to address the allowing for producers to hold soil the products. unpredictabilityinH-2Awages. and nutrients in the ground, and inOnce it arrives in the Senate, there is themanagementofundesirable In order to more accurately assessanopportunitytoimproveupon plants along the edge of field and in the risk associated with the productthoseeffortssoemployersand rotational crops, NPC writes.NPC andinformthepublicregardingemployeescanpredictwages. arguesthatEPAreliesonunduly thoserisks,EPAshouldfocusonAdditionally, the current H-2A pro- conservativeassumptionsinits impactsfromuseoftheproductgram is an uncapped guest worker Draft Biological Evaluation.that are reasonably certain of occur-program,sothelaborforcecan ring, not what is theoretically possi-expandandcontractbasedupon Theagencysconclusionof ble of occurring, NPC argues. agricultures production needs.glyphosate likely adversely affecting93percentofendangeredspeciesTheSenateshouldreinforcethispolicyandrejectlimitationsonguest worker visas that only serve tolimit U.S. agricultures production.NPC Files Comments OnGlyphosate TheNationalPotatoCouncilhassubmitted comments to the EPA ontheDraftEndangeredSpeciesActBiologicalEvaluationforGlyphosate. This is the first part ofthe process that fulfills the require-mentsoftheEndangeredSpeciesAct (ESA), and helps to complete theFIFRA-mandatedglyphosateregis-tration review. In the letter, NPC states that while,potatoproductionintheUnitedStatesdoesnotrelyontheuseofglyphosatedirectlyintheproduc-tionofpotatoes,itisanintegralAPRIL 2021 POTATO GROWER 29'