b'U.S.-Mexico Potato Trade Agreement Potentially Ends a 25 Year Battle to Gain Full Accessby Ted Kreis, NPPGA Communications Development Victor Villalobos had recentlymetandagreedtowork togetheronanumberofissues includingpotatoaccess.Afterthe meetingVilsackandVillalobos jointly announced that the United StatesandMexicohaveconcluded all necessary plant health protocols andagreedtoafinalvisitbyU.S. potatoes and products valued at Mexican officials in April that final- $394 million in 2021.But for many izesexpandedaccesstotheentireyears,theU.S.freshpotatosector Mexican market no later than Mayhas had restricted access to just a 26-15 for all U.S. table stock and chip- kilometer(16-mile)wideregion pingpotatoesaccordingtotheinsidetheU.S.-Mexicanborder. agreed workplan.Despite this, Mexico is still the sec-ond-largest market for fresh potato Because of the many setbacks in theexports accounting for 124,449 met-Forthepastquarter-century,thepast,theNationalPotatoCouncilrictonsvaluedat$60millionin U.S.potatoindustryhasbeenbat- (NPC)issuedacautiousstatement2021.The U.S. potato industry esti-tling for full access to the Mexicanafter the announcement: mates that access to the entire coun-marketwiththeMexicangovern- tryforU.S.freshpotatoescould mentandthepowerfulMexicanThe National Potato Council appreci- morethanquadruplethosenum-potato grower organization CONPA- atesthepositiveannouncementandbers in just five years.What exactly PA(ConfederationofPotatothanks Secretary Vilsack and the teamsthis will mean for the growers in the Producers of the Mexican Republic). at USDA and USTR for their efforts toNorthernPlainsisnotyetknown, Last February, the Mexican Supremeensure that Mexico lives up to its bilat- but it can only be positive.Courtseemedtohavepavedtheeral trade obligations. Given the historyway for full access for U.S. potatoesofthis25-yeartradedispute,weareThe Northern Plains Potato Growers into Mexico, but just a week later,waiting to declare victory until we seeAssociation and all of our affiliated facingtremendouspressureinter- durable exports of both fresh processingorganizationsarethankfulforthe nallyfromCONPAPAthecourtand table stock potatoes throughout allhard work put in by our elected offi-delayedimplementingtheruling.of Mexico as required by the Novembercials,theNPCandPotatoesUSA Sincethen,talksbetweenthetwo2021signedagreement.Wehopethewhohavebeentheretokeepthe countrysinterestedpartieshaveApril site visit by Mexican officials willpressure on and hopefully finally see been intense, including a U.S. threatbe the last hurdle we need to clear andthis through. A special shout-out to to limit Mexican avocado imports.that no last-minute roadblocks will beJohn Keeling and Kam Quarles, the erectedpriortoMexicofinallyandpastandcurrentNPCCEOswho FinallyonApril5th,theUSDApermanentlyreopening its border tohavebothdedicatedthousandsof issuedastatementthatsaidtheU.S.-grown potatoes.hourstogetthisaccomplished. UnitedStatesSecretaryofLets hope that hard work has finally Agriculture Tom Vilsack and MexicoAccordingtheNPC,Mexicoispaid off! SecretaryofAgricultureandRuralalready the largest export market for 4 POTATO GROWER MAY/JUNE 2022'