b'requiredbytheNovember2021estimatesthataccesstotheentire signed agreement. Additionally, weWhile wecountryforfreshU.S.potatoes hope the April site visit by Mexicancould provide a market potential of officialswillbethelasthurdleweare not$250 million per year, in five years. needtoclearandthatnolast- Thats no small potatoes.minuteroadblockswillbeerectedspiking the prior to Mexico finallyand perma- Thistradeissuehasdraggedonfar nentlyreopeningitsbordertofootball yet,too long, and we appreciate the sup-U.S.-grown potatoes. port of the highest levels of the feder-USDA hasal government who have weighed in Thestakescouldntbehigher.on behalf of Americas potato grow-Mexico is already the largest exportmadeers.Thebipartisansupportweve market for U.S. potatoes and prod- achieved is a direct result of potato ucts valued at $394 million in 2021.significantgrowers who have kept pressure on Anddespitethelong-standingtheir elected officials during the latest restriction of fresh potatoes to a 26- progress inNPC Washington Summit and during kilometer border region, Mexico iscountlessmeetingsandphonecalls the second-largest market for freshgetting ustheyveinitiatedthroughoutthe potatoexportsaccountingforyears. This potential success demon-124,449 metric tons valued at $60across thestrates what can be done when the million in 2021. industry unites behind a single cause goal line.and jointly stands up for potatoes on Alltold,theU.S.potatoindustryCapitol Hill. MAY/JUNE 2022 POTATO GROWER 9'