b'Table 1. Pressure bruising (flattening) results of red-skinned potato trials from 2019-2021, following five to six months of storage with the temperature of 42 F with 95% relative humidity, and an airflow of 1.5 cfm/cwt at East Grand Forks, MN. TuberBruises/tuberMeanAverageWeight Cultivar/selectiondiameterbruisebruise size loss area/tuber inchnumberinch 2 %Autumn Rose2. Cerata2. CO99076-6R2. Dark Red Norland2. Dark Red Norland2. (Real Potato) ND113207-1R2. Red Norland2. Red Pontiac2. Roko2. Sangre2. W8890-1R2. Mean2. CV834332515 LSD p= LSD p= 18 POTATO GROWER MAY/JUNE 2022'