b'reach >0.50, the Hunter Scores dropinto the 50s.The benefit of GFP values are thatthey are available early in the stor-age year. For example:*ND7519-1at1-monthstorageat45oF gave a GFP of 0.07 (Table 2),whileND7519-1at7-monthsat41oF gave a GFP of 0.23 (Table 1).Early detection of clones with CSRpotential could save both time andexpense in the evaluation process. Italsogivespotatobreedersearlyinsight into which parents to use innext years crossings.Summary:TheYSIcanbeusedtoevaluateseveral quality parameters in pota-toes in addition to chemical matu-rity. Sucrose content is low (< 1.0 mg/g)in all clones (Table 1). AcInv activity Dr. Darrin Haagenson uses the Yellow Springs Instrument at the USDA/ARSPotato Research Worksite in East Grand Forks, Minnesota.determinestheamountofglucoseformed or its GFP. being a health issue for the potato (4) McKenzie, MJ., JR. Sowokinos, IM.industry. Shea,SK.Gupta,RR.Lindlauf,JAD. Future screenings of genetically di- Anderson.2005.AmerJofPotatoversepotatoclones,atthePotato (1) Sowokinos, JR., DA. Preston. Minn. Research. 82:231-239.Research Worksite will include glu- Agric. Expt. Station Bulletin 586-1988cose content, GFP, and color scores (Item No. AD-SB-3441), Univ. of MN. (5)McKenzie,MJ.,RKY.Chen,JCalong with time and storage condi- pp 1-11. Harris,MJAshworth,DABrummell.tions. 2013.PlantCellandEnvironment.(2)Sowokinos,JR.,B.Morgan,M. 13:176-185.As in the past, clones will be cate- Sleeper,IShea.1989.Proceedingsgorizedrelativetotheirlong-term Potato Research Reporting Conference. (6) Gupta, SK. 2017. Amer J of Potatostorage and processing potential. pp. 145-155.Research. 94:297-305. Selectingparentsthathavelow (3)ZrennerR.,K,Schuler,U. (7)Seal,CJ.,etal.,2008.BritishGFP values (i.e., 0.25 or lower) could Sonnewald.1996.Planta198:246- JournalofNutrition.Vol.99,helpminimizeacrylamidefrom 252. Supplement 2, pp1-45.MAY/JUNE 2019 POTATO GROWER 19'