b'fect) is given based on assessment of all manyclones.HunterLabinstrument sumers.The potato improvement teamvisual traits at grading, and is basically a scoresaveraged50acrossgenotypes, is a collaborative effort, with evaluationsbreeder merit score.In 2018, the mean with a range of 41 to 59.Our focus con- conductedwithprogramsinPlantgeneral rating was 3.1, with a range of tinues to be identification of chip pro- Pathology,Entomology,andPlant1.5 to 4.0.As in 2017, ND7799c-1 one cessing germplasm that will reliably and Sciences,andwithcolleaguesattheof our most promising chip processing consistentlyprocessfromlong-term USDA-ARS in Fargo, North Dakota andselections was rated highest. cold storage. atthePotatoWorksiteinEastGrandForks, Minnesota.Additionally, cooper-Entriesaresampledatgrading,and Several chip processing selections con- ativetrialsalsooccurwithvariousstored at 5.5C and 3.3C (42oF and 38oF) tinue to look promising; ND7519-1 and research programs and producers acrossfor eight weeks (Table 3); another sam- ND7799c-1continuetobestandouts, North America.We are very grateful forple is evaluated in June from 5.5oC for both high yielding with excellent chip theopportunitytoworkwithandforlong-term storage potential.Chip scores quality.ND7519-1 is a repeat entry in the support of these potato producers,fromthefielddifferedsignificantly, the 2019 SNAC Trial.ND102631AB-1, industry and research personnel, and forranging from 4 to 6 based on the USDA ND102922C-3, ND113307C-3, ND1221- the support of our research efforts by thechip color chart; HunterLab instrument 1,ND12180ABC-8,ND14348AB-1, NorthernPlainsPotatoGrowersL-values ranged from 50 to 59.The trial ND14437CAB-1,andND14437CAB-2 Association,theMinnesotaAreaIIhad been chilled late in September, prior also look promising across our chip and PotatoResearchandPromotiontoharvest.In2018,asin2017,all agronomic trials. Council,Simplot,Lloyd,Steveandclones scored unacceptably from 3.3oC Jamie Oberg, and our many other grow-(38F)storageusingbothassessment We hope this summary will serve as a er and industry cooperators in providingmethods.Following eight weeks storage valuable reference for potato producers, resources of land, certified seed, researchat 5.5C (42oF), chip color chart scores researchandextensionpersonnel, funding, and equipment resources.rangedfrom4forND7519-1to8for industryrepresentatives,andcon-Count on Techmark for all of your storage ventilation needs.Contact us at 517-322-0250.www.techmark-inc.com12 POTATO GROWER MAY/JUNE 2019'