J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 POTATO GROWER 19 the rotation. Fumigation can have both positive and negative effects on nutrient use efficiency. Potato root systems are often healthier following fumigation due to a lower disease incidence, which may in turn lower nutrient inputs. In contrast, fumigation substantially alters microbial diversity and could have neg- ative impacts on nutrient cycling over time. This research is part of a compre- hensive project to evaluate the effects of fumigation sources on yield potential, nitrogen response, soil-borne disease incidence, and soil microbial activity and diversity. We are currently in the second year of this project. Specific objectives include: Determine the interactive effects of fumigation and nitrogen fertility on potato yield and quality, characterize the effect of fumi- gation on soil microbial activity, disease incidence, and nitrogen transforma- tions, and evaluate the effects of micro- bial inoculants on tuber yield and qual- ity in fumigated and non-fumigated soil. Potatoes have been grown in a 3- year rotation at this site since 2000 with the last crop of potatoes grown in 2015. Fumigation treatments include an untreated control, the recommended rate of Chloropicrin, and the recom- mended rate of Vapam. Application of fumigants occurred in October 2016. Within each fumigation treatment five nitrogen treatments will be evaluated: 1) a starter N control (30 lb N/A), 2) 120 lb N/A 3) 180 lb N/A, 4) 240 lb N/A, and 5) 300 lb N/A. A field evaluation of Aspire as a Potassium and Boron Source for Irrigated Potato Production Potatoes have a high demand for potas- sium (K), relative to other crops. Potassium can influence the yield and size distribution of potato tubers, as well as their specific gravity and storage characteristics. Boron (B) is important in the integrity of the plant cell wall, where it binds pectins together, and in calcium absorption. In both these roles, B availability is vital to tuber internal quality and storability, as well as yield. B can also increase the concentration of vitamin C in potato tubers. The impor- tance of these nutrients to potatoes as an agricultural crop is clear. However, because B is a micronutrient and is therefore applied in very small quanti- ties, even application of this nutrient can be difficult to achieve. Uneven application is a potential problem because the range between deficient and toxic soil concentrations of B is very narrow. Aspire (Mosaic Co.; 0-0-58- SIMPLE. SMART. STRONG. 3001 N Washington St Grand Forks, ND 58203 (701) 772-5591 www.tristeelmfg.com
[email protected] Tri-Steel Manufacturing 1305 S 12th W Suite B Rexburg, ID 83440 1-800-346-3623