J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 POTATO GROWER 17 Dakota Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crops Block Grant Program (projects 14-208 and 15-0026), and is a collaboration with our project and Dr. Ian McRae with UMN. Irrigated trials are grown at Inkster, Larimore, Oakes, and Williston, North Dakota, and at Park Rapids, Minnesota. The trial at Inkster, at the Forest River Colony, conducted in collaboration with Dr. Harlene Hatterman-Valenti is a metribuzin sensitivity screening trial, evaluating advancing selections and newly released cultivars. Razi Ibrahim, a Masters student, is conducting the work that we were recently awarded North Dakota Specialty Crop Block funding for. Information from this trials is important for developing cultivar man- agement information for new and potential cultivar releases. Trials at the Larimore site are hosted by Carl, Michael and Casey Hoverson at Hoverson Farms, and include the Processing Trial (32 selections, cultivars and industry standards), the prelimi- nary processing trial (66 entries, 53 advancing dual-purpose russet selec- tions compared to 13 industry stan- dards), maintenance of out-of-state selections, and out-of-state seedlings (single hill selections from the ID, ME and TX potato breeding programs). The National French Fry Processing trial (NFPT), supported by Potatoes USA, is conducted at this location, with the goal of identifying russet selections with French Fry processing potential with low acrylamide levels; 58 selections from US breeding programs are being compared to Russet Burbank and Ranger Russet. NDSU entries in the revamped trial to include three tiers are ND060761B-3Russ, ND091533ABCR- 7Russ, ND092024CR-1Russ, ND113224C-3Russ, ND12154AB-2Russ, ND12157-3Russ, ND12163AB-2Russ, ND12205B-4Russ (Tier 1, single replicate per location), ND050032-4Russ, ND070927-2Russ, ND091938BR-2Russ (Tier 2, two replicates per trial location), and ND069735-4Russ (Tier 3, three replicates per trial site). Also at this site is the irrigate North Central Regional fresh market trial (24 entries including the NDSU genotypes listed above), and a second year of the collaborative gly- coalkaloid content trial led by Dr. Chuck Brown with the USDA-ARS at Prosser, Washington. A new trial in 2017 is a planting depth study with Dakota Russet. The Oakes Research Extension Center at Oakes is site of a trial with seven fresh market selections and check cultivars compared to one another, and 16 dual-purpose russet selections compared to industry stan- dards. A similar trial is being conducted at the Nesson Valley Irrigation Research Site, east of Williston, in cooperation with Dr. Jerry Bergman and Tyler Tjelde, with nine russet genotypes and 13 fresh market entries. Additionally, 10 starch clones continue evaluation. Trials at Park Rapids, Minnesota, on the RDO Farm include a processing trial with 12 entries, a common scab screen- ing trial with 68 entries across market types, and our replicated screening trial for Verticillium wilt resistance (25 geno- types across market types), conducted in collaboration with Dr. Neil Gudmestad’s program. NDSU /UMN Potato Exten- sion Agronomist Dr. Andy Robinson The Extension agronomy team, includ- ing Eric Brandvik and newly hired, Peter Ihry, has several trials throughout North 800-437-4685 Fax: (701) 746-5767 The Choice is yours! SALES BY: Greg Holtman, Jeff Lazur & Tim Johnstone • Paul Dolan - Manager You’ll love our red potatoes For dependability and professionalism your choice should be Associated Potato Growers. With operations from three locations, Associated has been the largest packer of red potatoes in the Red River Valley since 1949. Make us your choice for all your red potato needs.