J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 POTATO GROWER 5 One of the more noteworthy items coming out of the 2017 conference came from Dale Lathim, executive director of the Potato Growers of Washington and head of the Potato Marketing Association of North America (PMANA). Dale reported that in the next sever- al years, new and expanded frozen processing plants will require 17,000 additional high producing acres to meet their needs. The big question in the room was how this would affect the fresh market, espe- cially in the Northwest where the two markets are so intertwined. How many fresh acres could be rededicated to frozen processing? How many excess potatoes for the frozen market could make their way to the fresh market? These will be challenges that we will no doubt be dealing with in the near future. A shout-out needs to go to the great staff at UPGA; Mark Klompien, Buzz Shahan and George Martin do a great job and are a true asset to our growers. A spe- cial thanks also needs to go out to AMVAC for being a major sponsor of the Crop Transition Conference making it entirely free for those attending including free tickets to a Minnesota Twins game! Membership in the United Potato Growers of America provides many services that make all potato grow- ers more profitable; this conference is one example. The Red River Valley has one of the stronger local co-ops belonging to the UPGA but we would love to expand our mem- ber base. Contact me for more information at 218-773-3633. Hammer-Lok Steel Building Systems | 44434 Harvest Ave. • Perham, MN 56573 | 1-844-203-4565 | www.hammer-lok.com Full service Design Build General Contractor for all your produce storage needs. Part of the Red River Valley delegation attending. Seated L to R: Mike Rerick, Steve Tweten and Dave Moquist. Standing: T J Hall, Carissa Olsen, Steve Johnson and Andy Moquist.