b'lowing seven months 45F storage, throughout storage (reflectance val- Thehighlightedresultsrepresentbutnot42F(Table1).Photosof uesUSDA1)arehighlightedin one growing season under ND irri-severaltopchipperformersat7 green (Table 2).At seven months of gated conditions and annual varia-months of 45F storage are present- storageat45F,24cloneshad tioninproductionenvironmented (Figure 1).improvedreflectancevalueswhen may impact storage quality.Prior tocomparedtoRussetBurbank,with incorporating any of the document-Russet Clone Evaluations 13ofthoseclonesmaintaininga ed clones into ones operation, care-Stem and bud fry color was assessed reflectanceof44%orhigher.Of ful consideration of agronomic per-using photovolt % reflectance at 3, thesesuperiorclones,fourwere formance must be critically assessed.6, and 7 months of storage and com- developedinMaine(AAF10615-1,positereflectance(averagedacross AF5071-2,AF4872-2,AAF10596-1), Additionalsugarprofiledataforstem and bud) is reported in Table 2. andthreewereobtainedfrom each clone throughout 2019 storageReflectanceoffriedplanksiscom- Colorado (CO09036-2ru, CO09205- treatmentswillbesupplieduponparedagainstseveralcommercial 2ru,CO10087-4ru).Inaddition, request.Otherinformationonchecks, including the industry stan- two superior clones each were pro- clonecharacteristicsincludingdard,RussetBurbank.The% videdfromTexas(COTX09022- importantphysicalattributessuchreflectance corresponds to the USDA 3rurey/y,COTX08063-2ru)and as specific gravities may be found byMunsellFryColorchart,where Idaho (A09022-4, A07769-4) public contactingtheUSDA-ARSstorageUSDA 1 44%, USDA 2 = 35 to 44%, breeding programs. Photos of sev- manager, Darrin Haagenson (Darrin.USDA 3 = 26 to 35%, USDA 4 26% eraltopfryclonesprocessedat7 [email protected]).photovoltreflectance.Fryplanks months of 45F storage are present-fromcloneswithsuperiorcolor ed (Figure 2). SEPTEMBER/OCOTBER 2020 POTATO GROWER 21'