b'Table 1.Chip color in storage and 7-month quality class ranking (2019 Crop) 45F42F Hunter Score3Hunter Score Clone1SourceClass23mo6mo7mo3mo6mo7mo Dakota Pearl CheckA706862666767 Lady ClaireCheckB 666561 616564 Lamoka CheckA706965626868 ManisteeCheckA656767636564 WanetaCheckA706765646765 CO10073-7wCOB676564636663 CO10076-4wCOA656361656663 AF5563-5MEB696963676565 MSAFB605-4MEA 656463 556562 MSAFB609-12MEA 656667 616865 MSAFB635-15MEA 676568 656564 MSAFB635-3MEA676766646565 MackinawMIA696865646567 MSV030-4MIA676561616466 MSW044-1MIB 656662 626666 MSW075-2MIA676665606566 MSZ219-01MIB 656463 626663 MSZ222-19MIA656666616665 NC470-3NCB646566626466 NC475-3NCB606563525857 NCB3171-7NCB616464596662 ND092018C-2NDB686366626359 ND102631AB-1NDA706765676868 ND113509C-2NDA666559626565 ND113533AB-2NDA676664676864 ND122C-1NDA666565636764 ND1338C-3NDA646163616565 AORTX09037-1w/yTXB656364616664 Aortx9037-5w/yTXA666462636665 NDTX12135-1wTXA656562636464 1Clones are separated by breeding program location and check clones were obtained locally. 2where Class B provide acceptable chip quality at 7-month 45F, but not 42F storage.This Class A clones may provide acceptable chip quality from 7-month storage at 45 and 42F, is a cumulative rating score based on chip appearance and sugar content. 3 Hunterlab values65; correspond to a chip rating score (1) from the SFA five-point scale. SEPTEMBER/OCOTBER 2020 POTATO GROWER 23'