b'Dr. Munevver Dogramaci Joins The USDA/ARS In Fargo, North Dakotagermplasm enhancement of wheat. As a SchoolofMedicine,DepartmentofPost-doctoralResearchAssociatewith InternalMedicine.InApril2020,shetheUSDA-ARS,SunflowerandPlant acceptedanopportunitytoreturntoSciences Unit, Fargo, North Dakota, she the USDA-ARS in Fargo, North Dakotautilizedomicsapproachestoidentify asaResearchPlantPhysiologistwithmolecular mechanisms associated with the Sugarbeet and Potato Research Unitmeristemdormancy,vegetativerepro- to work on post-harvest physiology ofduction and flowering under field and potato. Her immediate research objec-controlledenvironmentalconditions. tives include determining and refiningIn collaboration with other researchers, molecular mechanisms associated withshe also investigated molecular mecha- meristem dormancy and tuber sprout-nisms regulating seed dormancy, crop- ing,andperidermdevelopmentandweed interactions, and growth patterns skin set. She values collaborative workofpathogensandtoleranceofwinter with national and international scien-Dr.MunevverDogramaciearneda cover crops in response to environmen- tists, and discussions and feedback fromPh.D. in Natural and Applied Sciences tal stress. In 2017, she joined Sanford- potato farmers and stakeholders. throughacollaborativeprogram ImageneticsinSiouxFalls,SouthbetweenCukurovaUniversity,Adana, Dakota, as a Clinical Staff Scientist, and Dr.Dogramacicanbereachedat:Turkey&USDA-ARSCerealCrops also held an academic appointment as [email protected] or (701)Research Unit, Fargo, North Dakota and anAssistantProfessorwiththe 239-1257. conductedstudiesongeneticsand UniversityofSouthDakota,SanfordTechmark Your partner inStorage Storage Ventilation SystemsLaboratory Services for Sugar TestingImpact Recording Device (IRD)Storage Management ConsultingRefrigeration SystemsFor over 30 years, Techmark has been commied to serving the potato industry through innovaon and quality design.We are a world leader in storage venlaon and storage quality management. Visit our website at www.techmark-inc.com or contact us at 517.322.0250SEPTEMBER/OCOTBER 2020 POTATO GROWER 11'