b'Table 2. Pressure flattening (bruising) results of yellow-skinned potato trial after 5 months of storage from October 2020 to March of 2021 at East Grand Forks, MN. Cultivar/selectionTuberBruise/tuberBruiseAverage bruiseWeight loss diameterarea/tubersize inchnumberinch2%A00286-3Y2. A06336-2Y2. Actrice2. Agata2. Alegria2. Arizona2. Belmonda2. CO05037- CO10064- CO11250- CO11266- Crop 562. Crop 582. Crop 802. Electra2. Jelly2. Lanorma2. MN04B442. Milva2. Montreal2. Musica2. ND1241-1Y2. ND1487-1Y2. NDA0814512. Nicola2. Noelle2. Obama2. Paroli2. W15240-2Y2. W9576-11Y2. Mean2. CV5.423.129.620.59.4 LSD p= LSD p= NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 POTATO GROWER 15'