b'2022 NPPGA Research Reporting Conference The NPPGA Research and ReportingPotato Breeder, spoke next on genet- Addison Plaisance, PhD student and ConferencewasheldonTuesday,ic improvement and potato cultivarresearch technician for Dr. Guiping February 15th at the Alerus CenterdevelopmentoftheNorthernYan, NDSU, spoke about identifying in Grand Forks, North Dakota. ThisPlains.TheNDSUpotatobreedingeffectivecovercropsformanaging conference is organized and present- program, conducted research in thethe Root-Lesion Nematode. edbyDr.AndyRobinson,Potatofield, greenhouse and laboratory in ExtensionAgronomist,NDSU/2021.Seventy parents were used inDr. Ian McRae, UMN, spoke on the UMN.conventionalhybridizationsinthemanagement of the Colorado pota-greenhouse to create 321 new fami- to beetle and managing PVY vectors Dr.Robinsonstartedthepresen- lies.Manyofthenewfamiliesin 2021.taion with a talk on potato agrono- incorporate resistance to PVY (about my management studies and he fol- 33%),nematodes/corkyringspot,Dr.YuxinMiao,NDSU,spokeon lowed that with a talk on the lateColorado Potato Beetle, late blight,proximal and remote sensing-based blightsporetrappingnetworkforcoldsweetening,sugarends,andnon-destructivediagnosisofthe Minnesota and North Dakota.Verticilliumwiltamongstotherpotato nitrogen status. pests and stresses.Dr. Asunta Susie Thompson, NDSUAfterlunch,Dr.LauraShannon, Dr. Asunta Susie Thompson, NDSU, gives her presentation at the NPPGA Researcg and Reporting Conference.28 POTATO GROWER MARCH 2022'