b'Minnesota Certified Seed Potato And Post Harvest Winter Test ReportBy Eric Byre, Plant Protection Program Supervisor Seedpotatogrowersin Minnesotaappliedtocertify 5,685.75 acres for the 2021 crop year,adecreasefrom6,267.41 acresincropyear2020.There were52.25acresrejectedfor severe mosaic, varietal mix, and not meeting eligibility, resulting in 5,633.50 certified acres. RussetThis is a photoof our PHWT Plot in Hawaii.Burbank was the variety with the(Photo courtesy of Jeff Miller.)most acres planted.DepartmentofAgricultureyields and delayed harvest some (MDA)inspectorswerebusy,days.Overall,growersreported The spring brought warm weath- with three inspections conduct- the harvest produced average to eranddryconditionsthrough- edonallcertifiedseedpotatobelowaverageyieldsstatewide out the state. Most certified seedlots. with good quality.potato growers were able to get in the field in late April to earlyJuly was warm and dry, affectingRedvarietiesmadeup41%of May,withmostcompletingthegrowingconditions,fol- totalacreagewithDarkRed plantingbyearlyJune.BelowlowedbyawarmAugustandNorlandleadingredvarieties. averagerainfallcontinuedintoSeptember. The heat during thisRussetvarietiesaccounted33% thesummer.TheMinnesotaperiod affected some quality andpercentage of total acreage plant-26 POTATO GROWER MARCH 2022'