b'ofactionfungicideinaseason, including those in the SDHI or DMI classes; however, this trial was con-ductedtocomparetheresidual activity of these premium products. Based on the results from this trial, Provysolprovidedsignificantly higherdiseasecontrolthandid Luna Tranquility or the grower stan-dard, even when applied only four timesat21day-intervals(Fig.1). Again, we cannot stress enough that this evaluation was performed only for research purposes and this type offungicideapplicationprogram shouldnotbeconductedunder commercial growing conditions.Fungicide evaluations conducted in 2019, 2020, and 2021 were aimed at grower-focusedprogramswhere Provysol was utilized in the applica-tion sequence in place of other rec-ommended premium products (Fig. 2). In 2019, the application of Provysol at tuber bulking (application 5) pro-vided the best disease control, but this treatment was not significantly better than Provysol applied prior to rowclosure(application2)or Provysol applied twice (applications 3and5)(Fig.2A).Thelattertwo treatmentsdidnotdiffersignifi-cantly from the grower recommend-edtreatmentincludingLuna TranquilityorMiravisPrimeat tuber bulking.Trialsconductedin2020included the application of Priaxor (SDHI + QoI) prior to row closure (applica-tion2)incombinationwith Provysol, Luna Tranquility, or Revus Top at tuber bulking (application 5) incomparisonwiththegrower MARCH 2022 POTATO GROWER 11'