b'culturalorganizations.Weare STEP Act and the For the 99.5% Act continued impact on their business-backedintheseeffortsbykey would raise taxes an average of $1.4 es should not be on the hook to payCongressionalleaderswhositon million on 98 percent of the farms for additional federal spending. theHouseandSenateAgriculture analyzed. Committees.NPC opposes any and all proposalsThedataspeaksforitselfand that would eliminate or undermineInJune,TexasA&MUniversity should give pause to anyone consid- tax provisions necessary to protectreleasedareportauthoredatthe ering this approach as an option to family farms from being broken uprequestofRepresentativeG.T. payfornewadditionalfederal or shut down. Repealing stepped-upThompson, Ranking Member of the spending. If changes of these mag- basis and imposing a second deathHouseCommitteeonAgriculture, nitudearepursued,assomehave taxwouldhavefar-reachingnega-andSenatorJohnBoozman, discussed, the economic harm it will tive impacts on family-owned busi-RankingMemberoftheSenate cause will have a lasting impact on nesses,theiremployees,andallCommitteeonAgriculture, ruralAmerica,saidSenator those depending on them to deliverNutrition, and Forestry. The report Boozman. food to their dinner tables. titled,EconomicImpactsoftheSensibleTaxationandEquity Thereportvalidatestheconcerns Now is not the time to impose addi-Promotion Act and the For the 99.5 NPC and other agriculture organiza- tionalburdensonthoseworkingPercentActonAFPCs tionshaveraisedwithHouseand everydaytokeepAmericansfed,Representative Farms and Ranches, Senateleadership.Inlettersand and NPC will continue to fight forshowedclearandsignificanttax conversationswithmembersof family farms in order to keep the taxincreases for farmers of all sizes. The Congress, NPC has argued that with man at bay. study concluded that, together, the farmsreelingfromthepandemicsTechmark Your partner inStorage Storage Ventilation SystemsLaboratory Services for Sugar TestingImpact Recording Device (IRD)Storage Management ConsultingRefrigeration SystemsFor over 30 years, Techmark has been commied to serving the potato industry through innovaon and quality design.We are a world leader in storage venlaon and storage quality management. Visit our website at www.techmark-inc.com or contact us at 517.322.0250JULY/AUGUST 2021 POTATO GROWER 11'