b'Potato Associatesof the Northern Plains Potato Growers AssociationAssociate SpotlightDexterhasthreechildren, at his church, Knox Presbyterian inSamanthais17andaJuniorat Minto.MintoHighSchool.Thomasis32and is a Sales Engineer at Harriston Dexter says, It is very rewarding toIndustries.Allan,whohaspassed, be involved in the potato industrywasinproductionatHarriston and support the growers by being aIndustries. Potato Associate.Dexterenjoyswatchinghisgrand For more information on becomingkids in their different activities such a Potato Associate member, call theOurPotatoAssociateSpotlightfor as sports and dance. He also enjoys NPPGA at 218-773-3633.thismonthisDexterSitzerfrom hunting and fishing. He is a trusteeHarristonIndustries.Dexterhasbeen a Potato Associate for over 20years.HarristonIndustriesofMinto,North Dakota was founded in 1973,Dexter started in 1985 in the paintdepartment,hethenmanagedtheparts departmentand then becameGeneralManagerin2000.Hehasbeen part owner since 2006. HarristonIndustriesfocusesonpotato planting with three differentstylesofplanters.Harristonsfirstmachines were pick style units andthencamecupplanters,andmostrecently the all new clamp planter.They also manufacture clodhoppers,speedcleans,cultivators,weeders,and some edible bean cutters.APRIL 2020 POTATO GROWER 27'