b'Panetta; and others from political consumersofagriculturalprod- cy impacts our industry is impor-offices. ucts. Issues such as pesticides and tanttoallofus,saidAlyssafood safety, minor use legislation, Knorr,programorganizerfromWewanttomakesurepeople and the NPC Stewardship Program NatureMark.understandagriculturalissues were discussed.sincelessthan2percentofthe The NPC is the only trade associa-population is actually involved in Later in the program, the leader- tion representing 10,500 commer-theproductionofagriculture, shipdevelopmentparticipants cialpotatogrowersin50states.saidBudMiddaugh,Executive joined the NPC Board of Directors TheirgrowersproducebothseedDirector of the NPC. Urban con- on visits to agency staff and con- potatoesandpotatoesforcon-gresspeopleneedtohearfrom gressionalmemberswhohave sumptioninavarietyofforms.growers.agricultural constituents. Annualproductionin1993was429 million cwt. with a farm valueTheleadershipparticipantsmet TheLeadershipDevelopment of $2.64 billion. Total value is sub-withurbancongressionalmem- Program in Washington, DC was stantiallyincreasedthruprocess-bers to relate important issues that supportedbyNatureMark. ing.not only affect agriculture but the Understanding how public poli-APRIL 2020 POTATO GROWER 21'