b'just under 10 inches of rain in the past threeweeks,followedbyafull-fledgedblizzardrightinthemiddleofthepotatoharvest.There is little doubt that this will make itnearlyimpossibletogettheentirepotatocrop in the Red River Valley region harvested.NPPGAPresidentDonavonJohnsonhasbeen working with the RMA, North DakotaandMinnesotacongressionaldelegations,state officials along with the National PotatoCouncil to emphasize the need to find waysto extend crop insurance coverages and findother programs to assist our growers.Minnesota Ag Commissioner Thom Petersen made his first trip to the Red RiverThe Red River and its tributaries are at record Valley on Oct. 10th. He is pictured here at a stop at A&L Potato. (L to R) Frankielevels for late fall and are spilling over onto Vargas, Petersen, Bruce Kleven, Donavon Johnson and Jenni Bruer.unharvested crops. Beginning today, the Red ing in the valley and a good working rela- HoevenEncouragesUSDAonDisasterRiver at Oslo, Minnesota is expected to top tionship was established with him."Response-LastThursday,NorthDakotamajorfloodstageandstaythereforan Senator John Hoeven encouraged USDA toextendedperiodoftime.Itisexpectedto 10/22/2019 focus efforts on relief for producers impactedcrest in Oslo at a level just two feet below the Burgum Signs Executive Order Declaring byweather-relateddisastersimpactingall-time record for any flood. With a saturat- StatewideFloodEmergencyasHeand numerous crops across the country includinged ground going into the winter freeze-up, Goehring Visit the Region - North Dakota thepotatoindustry.DuringaSenatethe possibility for spring flooding in 2020 is Governor Doug Burgum, Ag Commissioner AgricultureCommitteehearingonimple-also much greater. Doug Goehring and other state officials met mentationofthe2018FarmBill,Senatorwith concerned citizens and public officials Hoeven also questioned Deputy Secretary ofMinnesotaAgCommissionerSeesCrop in Fargo, Grand Forks and Jamestown yester- AgricultureSteveCenskyifUSDAhastheDamage First Hand - Last Thursday we were day to discuss the region\'s flooding. Shortly resources necessary to assist producers, par-pleasedtohaveMinnesotaStateAg before the visit, Gov. Burgum signed an exec- ticularly in the WHIP+ program.CommissionerThomPetersenvisitEast utive order declaring a statewide flood emer-Grand Forks to learn about the potato indus- gency, paving the way for requests for federal North Dakota Ag Producers Encouraged totry in this part of the state. Accompanying assistance to help North Dakotans deal with ContactExtensionAgentstoReporthim was his Executive Aide Kajsa Beatty and significant flooding impacts caused by heavy Damage,LossesandConditions-TheBruce Kleven. Kleven advocates for NPPGA\'s fall rains and a historic October blizzard. October winter storm made a bad situationpotatogrowersintheMinnesotaStateLegislature. NPPGA President Donavon Johnson extend-ed an invitation to Petersen several weeks ago The Insulation Placetohelpfamiliarizehimwiththepotato 14770 69th Place NEGrafton, ND 58237 industry in the northwest corner of the state.The quick tour included five stops in East Urethane Spray-On InsulationGrandForks;theNPPGAoffice,the Eliminates air infiltration & stops condensationUSDA/ARSfacility,MayoManufacturing,Folson Farms and A&L Potato. Johnson said, \x00 Highest R-Value Insulation \x00 Fire Proofing"This visit shows Petersen\'s commitment to \x00 Moisture Barriers \x00 Flat Roofsrepresenting all agricultural areas of the state.I really believe the Commissioner listened, Grafton(701) 352-3233 1-800-352-0620observed and learned about potatoes and the Bismarck(701) 255-0025 1-866-425-0025serious harvest conditions we are experienc- Website www.theinsulationplace.comJANUARY 2020 POTATO GROWER 5'