b'While NPC and its staff are charged learnmoreaboutthe2020Potatowith working on your behalf, grow- D.C. Fly-In, February 24-27. There isersthemselvesarethebestadvo- strengthinnumbers,soeveryonecatesfortheindustry.Asagrass should consider joining the potatorootsdrivenorganization,NPCs team at the Fly-In to help make areal strength comes from those who difference for our industry. I hope toare willing to step up to the plate see you in D.C.! and fight for them and their peers.CantattendbutwanttokeepTomembersofCongress,potato updated on NPCs work to promotegrowersandindustrypartnersare potatoesinthehallsofCongresstheirconstituents.Theyrejob-cre- andwiththeadministration?ators and community leaders. Their Subscribe to NPCs new podcast, Eyeviews matter. When they get togeth- onPotatoes,availablenowoner to speak with one voice, members iTunes and Google Play! Launchedlistenandact.Thisconstructive atthePotatoExpo2020inLasengagementsupportsahealthy Vegas, Eye on Potatoes is the placepotato industry, its prosperous fam- totuneinforconversationswithilyfarms,theirworkers,andthe growersandthoughtleadersonoverall American economy. advocacy, production, and all thingspotatoes. Subscribe and tell a friend!VisitNationalPotatoCouncil.org toJANUARY 2020 POTATO GROWER 15'