b'Export Value Increases For All U.S. Potato Types From July To December 2022Withinternationalmarketsacrosscompared to the year prior. The vol- 19%,Japanby16%,andMalaysia theglobeshowingsolidsignsofumeofU.S.freshshipmentswasby 79%. recovery,itsnosurprisethatthedown -8%, but the value was up by value of U.S. potato exports was up13%, again reflecting higher prices.Whilesomeinternationalmarkets for all potato types JulyDec. 2022,Now that the U.S. can ship potatoesstillreportatightsupplyofU.S. compared with the same six monthsbeyondthe26-kilometerborderpotatoes, the situation seems to be in 2021. During this time, the vol- region in Mexico, there was a signif- improvinginmanycountries.In ume of U.S. shipments was also upicantincreaseinvolume(+20%)South Korea, for example, foodser-for frozen and dehydrated potatoesand value (+56%) for fresh exportsviceoperatorsaremaintaininga but down slightly for fresh potatoes.to the market. Fresh shipments alsoconsistent supply and are looking to increasedbyvolumetoCentrallaunch new products and run pro-U.S.frozenpotatoexportvolumeAmerica(+37%),SouthKoreamotions for U.S. potatoes. In most wasup0.6%,whilethevalueof(+40%), and the Philippines (+64%).markets,retailersandfoodservice frozenexportswasupfurtherbyHowever, volume was down to sev- operatorsarebacktobusinessas 25%comparedtothesamesixeralmarkets,suchasCanada(- usual, and tourism is returning.monthsin2021.Thesignificant28%), Japan (-48%), and Taiwan (-increase in value over volume, pres- 10%).However, price increases affect these ent for all potato categories, repre- markets and often lead to increased sentsinflationandpriceincreasesU.S. dehydrated potato exports forcosts for the end consumer. across the globe. A few major exportthe JulyDec. 2022 period were up markets saw decreases in U.S. frozen16% by volume and 29% by value.FordetailsonU.S.potatoexports, potatoshipmentvolumeovertheAlthough,afewmarketssawseetheattachedspreadsheets. sixmonths,includingChina(- decreasesinU.S.dehydratedship- Questionsonthetradefigures, 50%),Vietnam(-38%),andments over the six months, includ- internationaltradeleads,and Myanmar(-42%).However,manying China (-13%) and South Korea (- Potatoes USA international market-marketssawsignificantvolume17%).ReportsfromSouthKoreaing programs should be directed to increasesduringthistime.U.S.indicatethatthisdecreaserepre-
[email protected]. frozen exports increased in the GulfsentsthesignificantlyhighU.S. Cooperation Council (GCC) regiondehydrated exports to the market inTrade Data Monitor compiles these (+28%),Malaysia(+28%),and2021, though buyers are maintain- figures. Potatoes USA accepts no lia-Thailand (+26%).ing confidence in U.S. supply. Thebilityforthecontentofthese largeincreaseinU.S.dehydratedreports or for the consequences of U.S. fresh potato exports, includingpotatoshipmentsgloballywasledanyactionstakenbasedonany table-stockpotatoesandchippingbyincreasedshipmentstoseveralinformation contained herein.potatoesforprocessing,decreasedmarkets. Dehydrated potato exports in volume during these six monthsto Canada and Mexico increased by 26 POTATO GROWER APRIL 2023'