b'Root-lesionnematodes,whichagementofPotato interact with a fungal pathogen thatEarly Dying. cancausePotatoEarlyDying Syndrome, are also a priority in herHerfavoritewayto researchafteranewspecieswaseat potatoes? I love found. fries, she said. Wevediscoveredanotherroot- Thebenefitsofthe lesion nematode species thats veryresearch Yan and her new, Yan said. That was the firstteamconductis detectioninaNorthDakotafield.helpful to growers asDr. Guiping Yan, NDSU, speaking at 2022 Field Days at Thats a new research area for us.they seek to managethe Hoverson Farm in Larimore, North Dakotanematodes, and that is part of whatnematode disease problems in their SheiscurrentlyfocusingresearchYan likes the most about her job.fields, visiting the fields and check-on finding effective cover crops toing the disease symptoms and dam-helpmanagementofroot-lesionMaking discoveries makes me feelage,anddiscussingthepotential nematodes.Researchwillbecon- very satisfiedmaking a discoverymanagementplansforcontrolof ducted in the development of sup- and finding a solution, Yan said.Ithe nematode diseases. pressivesoilsforsustainableman- enjoytalkingwithgrowersaboutPlanters Scoopers Crop Carts 2004 Spudnik 995 DES 72 Q A dirt & Size2020 Checchi Magli 4 row used but like new 1997 Spudnik model 150 30 2020 Allan AEC 35T, Scott Table roll tables, split picking 230 volt 3ph.2005 Lockwood 6 row pick planter 6 row 36 1992 Spudnik model 150 30 2002 Spudnik 72 DE belt elev2003 Kverneland 3300 cup 6 row 34 pull 1990 Spudnik 100 24 3ph Water Dammershitch 1982 Spudnik 100 24 3ph 1985 Ag Engineering 4 row 36 Dirt Eliminator Only2013 Spudnik 8069 bed planter 9 units in 6 2019 Logan 6 row Yield Pro 36 Water 2017 Milestone 96 480 3phaserow pull Type Potato Truck Dammer 1998 Double L Model 806 BC, ngers, belt2008 Spudnik 8080 Pull type cup, 8 row, 361995 Ford LTL9000 CAT- 3176, 13 spd,2014 Logan 8 row Yield Pro 36 foldingtable, 2- pups 230 volt 3ph2008 Spudnik 8060 Cup 6 row 36 SemiChalmers susp., 318,000 miles, Spudnikwings Water Dammer 2006 Spudnik 995 72Finger rollers,ellisMount 22 bed table, Belt Chain table 230 Volt 3phase2004 Spudnik 8060 Cup 6 row 36 Semi1982 IH 2500 Cummins NTC300, Auto Trans., 1990 Spudnik 950 72 230 volt 3phaseMount Hendrickson Susp., 325,000 miles Spudik Stingers22 bed 2015 Double L 832 36 BC with ngersPlanter FIller Pilers 2004 Kenworth W900 M11 Cum 350hp 2007 Double L 833 30 Belt Chain only Rock/Clod/Air EliminatorsNew Logan 36 Telescopic Planter Filler One 15speed Tran. Spudnik 26 bed 2014 Logan Trac Pro 30belt only 2013 Harriston 4240 Clod Hopper 3phleft for spring 1997 Peterbilt 377 Cummins diesel, 18spd 1994 Spudnik 2230 36 belt only 2003 Harriston 200 Clod Hopper 3ph 480 volt 20 bed frame Ellis tableConveyors Telescopic Even Flows/ Surge HopperSeed Cutters 1989 Double L 810 Tel. conv. 30 x 50 3ph New Logan Surge Pro Hoppers 60 72Better Built model 448 single phase 220Bulk Beds/Boxes/Self Unloading Milestone 36 x 85 230 V 3ph Hyd steer & 1998 Milestone 45cwtvolt 48 1991 Logan 20 90-Series Electric drive wheel2003 Milestone 72 230 volt 3ph 1985 Logan 20B Electric 20 2013 Spudnik 1250 30/36 x 60 3phase Dirt Tare PilerMilestone 48 220 volt 1ph, Hyd adjust, elev. 1998 Spudnik 24 PTO Spudnik 1255 30/36x 85 TC 220 Volt 1ph New Logan Dirt Tare Pro 30 36Drive, wheel drive 1992 Spudnik 20 Electric 1997 STI 30 x 70 3ph Tel. Conv.1990 Spudnik 20 Electric MISC.Treaters 1990 Spudnik 26 Electric Ace Roll over Hyd. Reset Plow5 bottom2016 Excel 10 liquid and dry treater 230 1986 Spudik 20 electric Conveyors Straight 2020 Logan Barrel Washer for little potatoesV 3ph Double L 809s 30 x 40 3ph x 6 belly dump unloader attachment for 2002 Better Built 12 Cannon Duster Crossovers/Windrowers Mayo 48 x 20 side shift with 2Belt Scooper1991 Better Built CDT10- 8 Cannon Duster 2018 Allan 6 row Stingers 36 Evenows: 1200 cwt, 900 cwt, 400 cwt2008 Milestone 42 Barrel Duster 2015 Double L 6560 6 row Spudnik 1200 30 x 40 3ph x 4 Greentronics Scale2008 Milestone 36 Barrel Duster 2009 Double L 951 4row Spudnik 1200 30 x 30 3ph Kerian 72 sizer2003 Milestone 42 Barrel Duster 1996 Double L 851 4 row Spudnik 1205 30 x 30 3ph Mayo 60 at washer belt chain elevator2005 Milestone MSLT3636 Liquid Treater 2012 Lockwood 554 4 row Tri Steel 60 felt dryer1984 Logan 2 row RH BC SIZER Only Flumes, pumps, rolling tablesPilers 2008 Spudnik 6160 6 row R&L discharge 1998 Spudnik Model 910 72 acorn rolls 2301996 Double L 831 36 x 49 230 Volt 3ph, 2007 Spudnik 6140 4 row volt 3phase, spring adjustableremote 2001 Spudnik 5140 4 row NOT COMPLETE LIST CHECK 1985 Double L 813 31 x 49 1ph belted1997 Spudnik 5140 4 row Dirt Eliminator with Sizer SPUDEQUIP.COM OR CALL.chain 1997 Double 807 Dirt Elim. 62 BC 3ph1997 Double L 813 31 x 49 1ph BC Harvesters Stingers 72 SizerReconditioned 2017 Allan 3 row Electric with VFD controls 2013 Milestone Model MSDS 96 BC Elev 2003 Grimme SL 8018 30 X 50 480 Volt 2018 Double L 7340 4 row Sizer clod drum split picking table3phase, remote 2004 Double L 859 2 row 69 2010 Milestone 60 sizing table only w/ 1998 Spudnik 560 36BC Elev 480 Volt 3ph 2003 Grimme SE 75-30 acorns quick adjust arms1992 Spudnik 550 30 BC Elev. 220 Volt 1ph 2012 Lockwood 474H 4 row 1994 Milestone 72 Dirt Elim. Sizer, 2241991 Spudnik 550 30 BC Elev 220 volt 1ph 2012 Spudnik 6640 4 row x 12 stingers2009 Spudnik 64004 row 2011 Spudnik 96 990 BC Elev. Reverse 2008 Spudnik 6200 2 row multi sep roll table, sizing table, split picking, cross2001 Spudnik 5625 2row 69 out conv.BRUCE: (208)
[email protected] EVAN: (208)
[email protected] JOSH BARKER: (701)
[email protected] 2023 POTATO GROWER 11'