b'Wash plant1 page, 2 colorcomingLone Wolf Farms A&L PotatoCompany Inc.For All Your Potato NeedsCall Randy or Jenni BousheyReds 2001 N 6th StGrand Forks, ND 58203218-773-0123 or 800-365-5784 Your Red Potato supplier since 1948, with a commitment for QUALITY.Bulk: 3#, 5#, 10#, 15#, 20#, 50#, 100#, CartonsCall Keith Bjorneby, Chris Bjorneby,email:
[email protected] Bryan Miller, CEOor Josh BjornebyEst.1941 Greg Holtman, Jeff Lazur & Fax: 701-248-3508office: 701-248-3482 Tim Johnstone Salese-mail:
[email protected] P.O. Box 193 www.lonewolffarms.com East Grand Forks MN 56721 1-800-437-4685BOX 317, HWY. 81 N, MINTO, ND 58261 (701) 775-4614FAX (701) 746-5767Reds3#, 5#, 10#, 20#,REDS & YELLOWS IN ALL SIZES50#, Totes, Cartons Reds Call Mike Rerick, Steve Johnson, Steve TwetenAll Sizes in Consumer Packs H & S FreshPak(701) 847-2200 Fax (701)
[email protected]@nokotapackers.comLonnie SpokelyCOLLEEN VINCENTwww.nokotapackers.com Box 73Neilsville, MN 56568 P.O. Box 130Hoople, ND 58243Fresh Solutions Network Partner (218) 946-2825 or (701) 430-1803 Phone: (701) 894-6464NoKota Packers, Inc. Fax (218) 946-2014 Fax: (701) 894-6462Box 151Buxton, ND 58218 e-mail: lspokely@rrv,netwww.nokotapackers.com All sales subject to terms limiting warranties and remedies.REDS & Y ELLOWSIN ALL SIZESCall David Moquist, Andy Moquist, Krissy Schulz, Tom Schulz & Justin Schulz(701)
[email protected]. SCHULZ & SONS, INC .401 4th St. Crystal, ND 58222www.ocshulz.com'